Not if Russia has been infiltrated by the Mossad and its friends.
When Suharto was toppled in Indonesia, it became clear that the top generals in Indonesia were working for the CIA and Pentagon.
When Ben Ali was toppled in Tunisia, it became clear that the top generals in Tunisia were working for the CIA and Pentagon.
Veterans Today reports on "the penetration of Russian media by political enemies of Putin."
Veterans Today reports on "the penetration of Russian media by political enemies of Putin."
According to Veterans Today, "Russia Today has a Mideast Bureau Chief that our sources tell us works for Mossad.
"This is Paula Siler whose viciously slanted broadcast, now disproven by events on the ground, was highly instrumental in forming the basis for the US attack on Syria in April 2017...
"This is not at all uncommon for Russian media, long penetrated...
"This is not at all uncommon for Russian media, long penetrated...
"Slier is Jewish.
VT Investigators.
Public opinion is being prepared for the toppling of Assad.
The spooks hit London.
The spooks hit Sweden.
The spooks hit Egypt.