Props to the indefatigable Wisconsin Wolves of Douglas County blog and advocates for the Open Records request that exposed questionable reimbursements to Minnesotans for their hunting dogs run off-leash and lost to wolves.
There have been multiple stories and exposes of this only-in-Wisconsin cash-for-dogs sanctioned cruelty scam - - this one, for example, showed that these payments have even gone to scofflaws - - but it's also important to remember that the bears Wisconsin encourages to be killed by the thousands every year

- - like the wolves which may again regrettably be snared and shot - - are part of the people's wildlifeheld in trust too often disregarded by the state.
There have been multiple stories and exposes of this only-in-Wisconsin cash-for-dogs sanctioned cruelty scam - - this one, for example, showed that these payments have even gone to scofflaws - - but it's also important to remember that the bears Wisconsin encourages to be killed by the thousands every year
- - like the wolves which may again regrettably be snared and shot - - are part of the people's wildlife