The Psycho Revealed: Trumpenstein Removes His Mask
The Financial Times asks why 81% of the White Evangelical Christians in the USA voted for Donald Trump.
"Trump is a divorced adulterer who ran a gambling empire, so how did America's Moral Majority get so evangelical about Donald Trump?"
Financial Times

Leon Festinger's 1957 theory of 'cognitive dissonance' tells us how human beings try to justify their weird beliefs.
Human beings usually refuse to look at the evidence which proves their weird beliefs to be wrong. [1]

It has been pointed out that Trump is 'a German Jew who was put into power by the Nazi-Zionist-Kosher-Nostra.'
Trump supporters justify their support for Trump by saying: "Trump is a reformed Christian.
"We should not believe the lies about Trump's connections to the Jewish Mafia, the Greater Israel Project and Jewish child abuse rings."

Certain readers of this blog criticised us over our opposition to the Arab Spring, our opposition to Obama, and, our opposition to Trump.
These readers wrote: "The Arab Spring is good because it is People Power."
"Give Obama a chance."
"Trump has been 'got at' by the Deep state."

The Financial Times's Edward Luce points out:
"Having promised to launch a trade war with China, Mr Trump is rapidly abandoning his protectionist rhetoric.
"Likewise, having vowed to avoid foreign wars, he has acquired a sudden taste for Levantine missile launches."
The reinvention of Donald Trump.

The Financial Times asks why 81% of the White Evangelical Christians in the USA voted for Donald Trump.
"Trump is a divorced adulterer who ran a gambling empire, so how did America's Moral Majority get so evangelical about Donald Trump?"
Financial Times
Leon Festinger's 1957 theory of 'cognitive dissonance' tells us how human beings try to justify their weird beliefs.
Human beings usually refuse to look at the evidence which proves their weird beliefs to be wrong. [1]
It has been pointed out that Trump is 'a German Jew who was put into power by the Nazi-Zionist-Kosher-Nostra.'
Trump supporters justify their support for Trump by saying: "Trump is a reformed Christian.
"We should not believe the lies about Trump's connections to the Jewish Mafia, the Greater Israel Project and Jewish child abuse rings."
Certain readers of this blog criticised us over our opposition to the Arab Spring, our opposition to Obama, and, our opposition to Trump.
These readers wrote: "The Arab Spring is good because it is People Power."
"Give Obama a chance."
"Trump has been 'got at' by the Deep state."
The Financial Times's Edward Luce points out:
"Having promised to launch a trade war with China, Mr Trump is rapidly abandoning his protectionist rhetoric.
"Likewise, having vowed to avoid foreign wars, he has acquired a sudden taste for Levantine missile launches."
The reinvention of Donald Trump.
The confirmation bias identifies how people readily read information that confirms their established opinions, and readily avoid reading information that contradicts their opinions.[22]
For example, a right-wing person usually only listens to political commentary from conservative news sources. [22]
The confirmation bias identifies how people readily read information that confirms their established opinions, and readily avoid reading information that contradicts their opinions.[22]
For example, a right-wing person usually only listens to political commentary from conservative news sources. [22]