Sir Laurens van der Post
Prince Charles's spiritual guru Sir Laurens van der Post "impregnated a 14 year old daughter of a family friend he'd been entrusted to look after on a sea voyage when he was 46."
The guru who got away with it.
Prince Charles's spiritual guru Sir Laurens van der Post introduced Prince Charles to Dr Alan McGlashan.
Prince Charles received therapy from Dr Alan McGlashan for 14 yearst, according to American author and historian Sally Bedell Smith.
Dr McGlashan was trained at the Tavistock Clinic.
During the Second World War Dr McGlashan served as a consulting psychiatrist on the War Office Selection Board.
OBITUARY : Dr Alan McGlashan.
Prince Charles's spiritual guru Sir Laurens van der Post was a friend of the Conservative member of Parliament Sir Ian Horobin.
In July 1962 Sir Ian Horobin pleaded guilty to a number of indecent assaults on boys at the Fairbairn Boys' Club in the East End of London.
52 years on: The Forgotten Fly in the Reshuffle | Bits of Books

Boys' club
At the age of 24, Horobin became Warden of Fairbairn Hall, Plaistow in East London.
Amateur boxer Billy Walker, while working as a doorman for Jimmy Savile at the Ilford Palais, aged 16, trained at Fairbairn Amateur Boxing Club on Barking Road
"Fairbairn Boys Club ... flourished in all sports including Boxing, Rugby, Cricket and Football.
1961-1976: Between McAlpine and Polaris – ‘Singing Hymns to Tigers’ Jimmy Savile’s Jesuit pop priest Father George Giarchi goes back to university to study the destruction of democracy in his hometown. The establishment of US Naval Base Polaris in Dunoon and the influx of single men to a tiny town creates a growing trade in sex, a sharp increase in teenage pregnancies and the arrival of spies setting up hotels.
The guru who got away with it.
Dr Alan McGlashan.
Prince Charles's spiritual guru Sir Laurens van der Post introduced Prince Charles to Dr Alan McGlashan.
Prince Charles received therapy from Dr Alan McGlashan for 14 yearst, according to American author and historian Sally Bedell Smith.
Dr McGlashan was trained at the Tavistock Clinic.
During the Second World War Dr McGlashan served as a consulting psychiatrist on the War Office Selection Board.
OBITUARY : Dr Alan McGlashan.
Sir Ian Horobin
Prince Charles's spiritual guru Sir Laurens van der Post was a friend of the Conservative member of Parliament Sir Ian Horobin.
In July 1962 Sir Ian Horobin pleaded guilty to a number of indecent assaults on boys at the Fairbairn Boys' Club in the East End of London.
52 years on: The Forgotten Fly in the Reshuffle | Bits of Books
Boys' club
At the age of 24, Horobin became Warden of Fairbairn Hall, Plaistow in East London.
"Here at 310 Barking Road, Horobin could be found patting boys on the rear as they took their shot."
"310 Barking Road is not too far from the Mile End Road's Regal Billiard Hall in Eric Road where by the mid-fifties a twenty year old Ronnie Kray was also admiring the view of boys taking their shots at the snooker tables."

Jimmy Savile
"310 Barking Road is not too far from the Mile End Road's Regal Billiard Hall in Eric Road where by the mid-fifties a twenty year old Ronnie Kray was also admiring the view of boys taking their shots at the snooker tables."
Jimmy Savile
Amateur boxer Billy Walker, while working as a doorman for Jimmy Savile at the Ilford Palais, aged 16, trained at Fairbairn Amateur Boxing Club on Barking Road
"Fairbairn Boys Club ... flourished in all sports including Boxing, Rugby, Cricket and Football.
"Famous sports personalities to emerge through the Club are Billy Walker, Terry Spinks, Graham Gooch, Alan Sealey and Alan Curbishley"
"After boxing bouts the boys would occasionally find Horobin supervising proceedings in the communal bath area, perched on a shooting stick..."
"After boxing bouts the boys would occasionally find Horobin supervising proceedings in the communal bath area, perched on a shooting stick..."
Terence Stamp
"One old boy, the actor Terence Stamp, recalls how 'there was all kinds of gossip about Sir Ian, the strongest being that he was a bit of a ginger beer.'
"Despite the rumours, Stamp's autobiography describes how, aged fourteen, he was 'chuffed' to receive an invitation to Horobin's flat one Saturday afternoon to show off some paintings he had entered in a competition."
52 years on: The Forgotten Fly in the Reshuffle | Bits of Books
Prince Philip and some boys.
The Butler Did It – Paul Pender (2012) Murderous butler Roy Fontaine falls into the Somerset Maugham, Lord Mountbatten, Vic Oliver, Lord Boothby set during WWII
52 years on: The Forgotten Fly in the Reshuffle | Bits of Books
Prince Philip and some boys.
The Butler Did It – Paul Pender (2012) Murderous butler Roy Fontaine falls into the Somerset Maugham, Lord Mountbatten, Vic Oliver, Lord Boothby set during WWII
1961-1976: Between McAlpine and Polaris – ‘Singing Hymns to Tigers’ Jimmy Savile’s Jesuit pop priest Father George Giarchi goes back to university to study the destruction of democracy in his hometown. The establishment of US Naval Base Polaris in Dunoon and the influx of single men to a tiny town creates a growing trade in sex, a sharp increase in teenage pregnancies and the arrival of spies setting up hotels.
Sir Nicholas Fairbairn defends a spy by ridiculing his attempts to pass information in court…but were other spies more successful? The sex trade servicing the US Naval ratings gradually moves across Holy Loch to the nearest town, Glasgow, and becomes more organised servicing new arrivals too – McAlpine Construction’s North Sea Oil Rig workers
1962: 52 years on – The Forgotten Fly in the Reshuffle Sir Ian Horobin, former Conservative MP for Oldham East, is forced to turn down a knighthood from Harold Macmillan due to his arrest for abusing boys aged 11+ at Fairbairn Boys’ Club in the East End. Just as Horobin is due to appear in court, Harold Macmillan culls a third of the cabinet in the long night of the knives and plucks Peter Rawlinson MP (Con: Ewell & Epsom, Surrey), Horobin’s defence counsel, just before the trial commences to become Attorney-General and promotes Home Secretary Richard Butler to Deputy Prime Minister.
1962: Albany Trust’s interview panel and Antony Grey
Barbara Kahan, Peter Righton, Louis Minster and Malta
1967/68: Antony Grey serving on NCCL’s Legal Sub-Committee
1967 – 1972: Sexual Offences Act 1967 and Sir Norman Skelhorn’s consent to prosecute vs. police powers of prosecution
1968-1970: Peter Righton, Antony Grey, Ian Greer, Raymond Clarke & The 1970 York Conference
Spring 1969: Grey writes a review for Walter Breen’s ‘Greek Love’ and receive a firm offer to co-write a book from David Kerr MP
June 1970: Michael De La Noy writes about ‘Leslie’ former MoD employee indiscreet improper letter writer
October 1970: John D Stamford of Spartacus applied to Lord Beaumont for Director of Albany Trust, no salary required!
December 1970: Lord Beaumont ignores Grey’s Spartacus warning & urges De La Noy to use Stamford’s money
December 1970: Stamford asks De La Noy to appear as defence witness in Spartacus obscenity prosecution
May 1971: Peter Righton establishes ACCESS with Dr Robert Chartham / Ronald Seth as trustee – watched by MI5?
July 1971: Peter Righton at the House of Lords – Lord Beaumont calls an Emergency Meeting of the Albany Trust Antony Grey returns to the Albany Trust – dispute over lease on 32 Shaftesbury Avenue and costs ‘the offices were too large and expensive for the time of retrenchment ahead’ – Grey moves the Trust to Kilburn during 1971/72 and then to Highbury before settling at 31/33 Clapham Road spring 1975 – 1976
September 1971: Lord Beaumont’s letters and Peter Righton meets Jack Profumo at Toynbee Hall
Christmas 1971/January 1972: Bishop of Stepney and Jack Profumo give Peter Righton their patronage
1962: 52 years on – The Forgotten Fly in the Reshuffle Sir Ian Horobin, former Conservative MP for Oldham East, is forced to turn down a knighthood from Harold Macmillan due to his arrest for abusing boys aged 11+ at Fairbairn Boys’ Club in the East End. Just as Horobin is due to appear in court, Harold Macmillan culls a third of the cabinet in the long night of the knives and plucks Peter Rawlinson MP (Con: Ewell & Epsom, Surrey), Horobin’s defence counsel, just before the trial commences to become Attorney-General and promotes Home Secretary Richard Butler to Deputy Prime Minister.
1962: Albany Trust’s interview panel and Antony Grey
Barbara Kahan, Peter Righton, Louis Minster and Malta
1967/68: Antony Grey serving on NCCL’s Legal Sub-Committee
1967 – 1972: Sexual Offences Act 1967 and Sir Norman Skelhorn’s consent to prosecute vs. police powers of prosecution
1968-1970: Peter Righton, Antony Grey, Ian Greer, Raymond Clarke & The 1970 York Conference
Spring 1969: Grey writes a review for Walter Breen’s ‘Greek Love’ and receive a firm offer to co-write a book from David Kerr MP
June 1970: Michael De La Noy writes about ‘Leslie’ former MoD employee indiscreet improper letter writer
October 1970: John D Stamford of Spartacus applied to Lord Beaumont for Director of Albany Trust, no salary required!
December 1970: Lord Beaumont ignores Grey’s Spartacus warning & urges De La Noy to use Stamford’s money
December 1970: Stamford asks De La Noy to appear as defence witness in Spartacus obscenity prosecution
May 1971: Peter Righton establishes ACCESS with Dr Robert Chartham / Ronald Seth as trustee – watched by MI5?
July 1971: Peter Righton at the House of Lords – Lord Beaumont calls an Emergency Meeting of the Albany Trust Antony Grey returns to the Albany Trust – dispute over lease on 32 Shaftesbury Avenue and costs ‘the offices were too large and expensive for the time of retrenchment ahead’ – Grey moves the Trust to Kilburn during 1971/72 and then to Highbury before settling at 31/33 Clapham Road spring 1975 – 1976
September 1971: Lord Beaumont’s letters and Peter Righton meets Jack Profumo at Toynbee Hall
Christmas 1971/January 1972: Bishop of Stepney and Jack Profumo give Peter Righton their patronage
1969-1973: The Dilly Boys by Mervyn Harris (London: Croom Helm Ltd) 1973 South African journalist Harris spends time at the London School of Economics and starts researching The Dilly Boys and their customers from 1969, publishing in 1973
PLAYLAND 1970-74: When protecting ‘millionaires titled and influential’ paedophiles became paramount
1972: How Lord Longford’s Porn Inquiry and P.I. sidekick Major Matthew Oliver brought down Soho’s Dirty Squad
Battle of the Courtiers? A grudge-match beyond death: Lord Lambton vs Lord Mountbatten
May 1973: Lambton’s limited fallout obscures London-Paris trafficking and trade in young boys and under 21s
November 1973: Ian Dunn, Paedophile Information Exchange co-founder, joins Albany Society Ltd Council of Management
April-June 1974: Martin Loney, NCCL General Secretary calls for a parliamentary inquiry into Special Branch blackmailing of IRA informants as a result of the murder of Kenneth Lennon – Henry Hodge, NCCL Chairman, and 11 members of the Executive Committee eject him causing grass-roots uproar and incurring Antony Grey and Eric Thompson’s wrath
1974: Father Trevor Huddleston (Bishop of Stepney): Famous Mr X and the Rule of Law
PLAYLAND 1970-74: When protecting ‘millionaires titled and influential’ paedophiles became paramount
1972: How Lord Longford’s Porn Inquiry and P.I. sidekick Major Matthew Oliver brought down Soho’s Dirty Squad
Battle of the Courtiers? A grudge-match beyond death: Lord Lambton vs Lord Mountbatten
May 1973: Lambton’s limited fallout obscures London-Paris trafficking and trade in young boys and under 21s
November 1973: Ian Dunn, Paedophile Information Exchange co-founder, joins Albany Society Ltd Council of Management
April-June 1974: Martin Loney, NCCL General Secretary calls for a parliamentary inquiry into Special Branch blackmailing of IRA informants as a result of the murder of Kenneth Lennon – Henry Hodge, NCCL Chairman, and 11 members of the Executive Committee eject him causing grass-roots uproar and incurring Antony Grey and Eric Thompson’s wrath
1974: Father Trevor Huddleston (Bishop of Stepney): Famous Mr X and the Rule of Law
1974 – 1976 Civil Liberties, Paedophiles and Politics
16 July 1974: Lucille Butler’s Albany Trust fundraising and networking party
September – October 1974: Paedophile Information Exchange, Paedophile Action for Liberation and NCCL Gay Rights Committee all formed
22 October 1974: The day Parliament is recalled under Harold Wilson with a majority of 3, following the second General Election of the year, the Home Office Voluntary Services Unit writes to Antony Grey to tell him they will be funding the Trust to the tune of £10k p.a. over 3 years and in the evening Antony Grey, David Barnard and Rev Michael Butler Julian Gibbs’ Albany Trust fundraising and networking party
PIE’s call for lawyers, medics and social workers: PIE sets out to attract professional subscribers and supporters and reports its first woman member
1974: Grey lunches with Sir Keith Joseph & invites Mrs Charles Morrison, Vice-Chair of the Conservative Party to become Albany Trust Chairman – she declines, pleased to have introduced Grey to Joseph. Raymond Clarke is already a mutual link from Grey to Joseph.
1974-1975: Keith Hose becomes member of NCCL Gay Rights Committee before accepting the Chairmanship of PIE
December 1974 – April 1975: Antony Grey absent from the Trust with Appendicitis
10 February 1975: Four new trustees join Albany Trust: Rodney Bennett-England, Harold Haywood O.B.E. (ex-Director NAYC), Sue Barnett (Family Planning Association – Grapevine) and Tony Smythe (MIND) Albany Trust moves to 31/33 Clapham Road: warehouse and 9 offices
1975 – 1977: Albany Trust, Sir Harold Haywood and the Paedophile Information Exchange drafting team – Paedophilia: Some Questions & Answers – Who was ‘John’?
1976: Minutes of PIE/PAL/Albany Trust meetings – was ‘John’ ex-BBCR3 presenter John Holmstrom?
June 1975: Who was PIE’s man in New Zealand?
September 1975: Albany Trust receives funding from Grocers’ Co & Goldsmiths Co for £2k and £1k p.a. for 3 years to fund Field Officer role / Harold Haywood becomes Chairman of Trustees
PIE Member No. 2: Dr Michael Coulson, who was a Professor of Sanskrit at University of Edinburgh, Chairman of Scottish Minorities Group (responsible for campaigns and lobbying) and Ian Dunn’s first adult relationship, commits suicide on 16 October 1975 and in a PIE Newsletter obituary is revealed as PIE member No.2
1976: Who was the 3rd Scottish Minorities Group founder of PIE?
March 1976: Albany Trust holds Agony Aunts luncheon
July 1976: New trustees join: Sidney Bunt (ex-NAYC), Arlo Tatum (Peace News)
Oct/Nov 1976: Save the Children advertises in PIE Newsletter No.6?
Dec 1976: Lord Winstanley to Antony Grey: “Pursue Mrs Whitehouse to the end of the road, if not further!”
1975-1976: Harold Haywood, Lucilla Butler and Charles Napier – Nucleus and Albany Trust at Earl’s Court
October/November 1976: Grey invites Ian Dunn to be an Albany Trustee and travels to Edinburgh to meet Dr Alan Rodger (Thatcher’s future Lord Advocate
October 1976: Did NCCL’s trawl of List 99 radicalise PIE’s Tom O’Carroll?
December 1976: What went on in Rottingdean? Robin Bryans writes and speaks to Rev Michael Butler of the Albany Trust regarding Father Colin Gill’s abuse of boys – in April 1977 he is poisoned, in a coma, when Labour’s Attorney General Sam Silkin orders he is in contempt of court in order to restrict Bryans’ letters to Butler from being circulated further
January 1977: With compliments from Ian Dunn and while you were out, Tony Smythe of MIND called
January 1977: Sir Harold Haywood invites Lord Winstanley, Cyril Smith’s Wesminster roommate and Liberal Peer joins the Albany Trust
March 1977: The weekend of discord: Arlo Tatum, Director of Peace News as Organising Secretary of Albany Trust and Roger Moody, Editor of Peace News and PIE member
April 1977: Penthouse Magazine’s funding to NCCL for PIE’s Nettie Pollard’s role as Gay Rights Worker falters
April 1978: 1978: Tom O’Carroll writes to Antony Grey at Defence of Literature & Arts Society re ‘freedom of speech’
April-May-June 1978: 18 Lords on 18th May 1978: The Protection of Children Bill, NCCL and PIE
June/July 1978: PIE Raids, William Blake and Lord Margadale’s Estate at Fonthill, Wiltshire
August 1978: Righton’s paper for the International Association of Schools of Social Work Congress, Israel
September 1978: Patricia Hewitt issues memo to NCCL Gay Rights Committee stating paedophile cases are not civil liberties issues per se and must be dealt with by committees/departments other than solely GCR, much to Nettie Pollard’s concern
George Parker Rossman a.k.a. Jonathan Drake
July 1979: Parker Rossman and Antony Grey meet in London and correspond
1980: Savile, Malcolm Mclaren & the great child abuse swindle of 1980 and beyond
18 April 1980: Following first reports in the media on abuse at Kincora NCCL Gay Rights Committee guest attendee from Northern Ireland Gay Rights Association (NIGRA) reports Royal Ulster Constabulary are conducting a gay ‘purge’ in their investigations
1993/4: What Lord Longford’s autobiography has to say on MI6 boaster and convicted child abuser Frank Beck and his ‘honest eyes’
Bedfordshire nr Luton: Savile, Henlow and Shefford, East Bedfordshire
Belfast, Dublin: Savile, Dublin & Belfast: Time to re-evaluate his role in The Troubles?
Ilford Essex & East End: Come Dancing: BMU v. Mecca? Savile v. Ambrose? [1954 – 1956 Ilford Palais]
Calder Valley: Savile, St John the Baptist’s In the Wilderness, Cragg Vale & Hebden Bridge
Isle of Man: Dr Alexander Cannon & Mountbatten’s Most Secret Report: Stranger than Fiction?
Jersey: Savile in Jersey: Madge Hayes and St Helier Community Services Board
16 July 1974: Lucille Butler’s Albany Trust fundraising and networking party
September – October 1974: Paedophile Information Exchange, Paedophile Action for Liberation and NCCL Gay Rights Committee all formed
22 October 1974: The day Parliament is recalled under Harold Wilson with a majority of 3, following the second General Election of the year, the Home Office Voluntary Services Unit writes to Antony Grey to tell him they will be funding the Trust to the tune of £10k p.a. over 3 years and in the evening Antony Grey, David Barnard and Rev Michael Butler Julian Gibbs’ Albany Trust fundraising and networking party
PIE’s call for lawyers, medics and social workers: PIE sets out to attract professional subscribers and supporters and reports its first woman member
1974: Grey lunches with Sir Keith Joseph & invites Mrs Charles Morrison, Vice-Chair of the Conservative Party to become Albany Trust Chairman – she declines, pleased to have introduced Grey to Joseph. Raymond Clarke is already a mutual link from Grey to Joseph.
1974-1975: Keith Hose becomes member of NCCL Gay Rights Committee before accepting the Chairmanship of PIE
December 1974 – April 1975: Antony Grey absent from the Trust with Appendicitis
10 February 1975: Four new trustees join Albany Trust: Rodney Bennett-England, Harold Haywood O.B.E. (ex-Director NAYC), Sue Barnett (Family Planning Association – Grapevine) and Tony Smythe (MIND) Albany Trust moves to 31/33 Clapham Road: warehouse and 9 offices
1975 – 1977: Albany Trust, Sir Harold Haywood and the Paedophile Information Exchange drafting team – Paedophilia: Some Questions & Answers – Who was ‘John’?
1976: Minutes of PIE/PAL/Albany Trust meetings – was ‘John’ ex-BBCR3 presenter John Holmstrom?
June 1975: Who was PIE’s man in New Zealand?
September 1975: Albany Trust receives funding from Grocers’ Co & Goldsmiths Co for £2k and £1k p.a. for 3 years to fund Field Officer role / Harold Haywood becomes Chairman of Trustees
PIE Member No. 2: Dr Michael Coulson, who was a Professor of Sanskrit at University of Edinburgh, Chairman of Scottish Minorities Group (responsible for campaigns and lobbying) and Ian Dunn’s first adult relationship, commits suicide on 16 October 1975 and in a PIE Newsletter obituary is revealed as PIE member No.2
1976: Who was the 3rd Scottish Minorities Group founder of PIE?
March 1976: Albany Trust holds Agony Aunts luncheon
July 1976: New trustees join: Sidney Bunt (ex-NAYC), Arlo Tatum (Peace News)
Oct/Nov 1976: Save the Children advertises in PIE Newsletter No.6?
Dec 1976: Lord Winstanley to Antony Grey: “Pursue Mrs Whitehouse to the end of the road, if not further!”
1975-1976: Harold Haywood, Lucilla Butler and Charles Napier – Nucleus and Albany Trust at Earl’s Court
October/November 1976: Grey invites Ian Dunn to be an Albany Trustee and travels to Edinburgh to meet Dr Alan Rodger (Thatcher’s future Lord Advocate
October 1976: Did NCCL’s trawl of List 99 radicalise PIE’s Tom O’Carroll?
December 1976: What went on in Rottingdean? Robin Bryans writes and speaks to Rev Michael Butler of the Albany Trust regarding Father Colin Gill’s abuse of boys – in April 1977 he is poisoned, in a coma, when Labour’s Attorney General Sam Silkin orders he is in contempt of court in order to restrict Bryans’ letters to Butler from being circulated further
January 1977: With compliments from Ian Dunn and while you were out, Tony Smythe of MIND called
January 1977: Sir Harold Haywood invites Lord Winstanley, Cyril Smith’s Wesminster roommate and Liberal Peer joins the Albany Trust
March 1977: The weekend of discord: Arlo Tatum, Director of Peace News as Organising Secretary of Albany Trust and Roger Moody, Editor of Peace News and PIE member
April 1977: Penthouse Magazine’s funding to NCCL for PIE’s Nettie Pollard’s role as Gay Rights Worker falters
April 1978: 1978: Tom O’Carroll writes to Antony Grey at Defence of Literature & Arts Society re ‘freedom of speech’
April-May-June 1978: 18 Lords on 18th May 1978: The Protection of Children Bill, NCCL and PIE
June/July 1978: PIE Raids, William Blake and Lord Margadale’s Estate at Fonthill, Wiltshire
August 1978: Righton’s paper for the International Association of Schools of Social Work Congress, Israel
September 1978: Patricia Hewitt issues memo to NCCL Gay Rights Committee stating paedophile cases are not civil liberties issues per se and must be dealt with by committees/departments other than solely GCR, much to Nettie Pollard’s concern
George Parker Rossman a.k.a. Jonathan Drake
July 1979: Parker Rossman and Antony Grey meet in London and correspond
1980: Savile, Malcolm Mclaren & the great child abuse swindle of 1980 and beyond
18 April 1980: Following first reports in the media on abuse at Kincora NCCL Gay Rights Committee guest attendee from Northern Ireland Gay Rights Association (NIGRA) reports Royal Ulster Constabulary are conducting a gay ‘purge’ in their investigations
1993/4: What Lord Longford’s autobiography has to say on MI6 boaster and convicted child abuser Frank Beck and his ‘honest eyes’
Bedfordshire nr Luton: Savile, Henlow and Shefford, East Bedfordshire
Belfast, Dublin: Savile, Dublin & Belfast: Time to re-evaluate his role in The Troubles?
Ilford Essex & East End: Come Dancing: BMU v. Mecca? Savile v. Ambrose? [1954 – 1956 Ilford Palais]
Calder Valley: Savile, St John the Baptist’s In the Wilderness, Cragg Vale & Hebden Bridge
Isle of Man: Dr Alexander Cannon & Mountbatten’s Most Secret Report: Stranger than Fiction?
Jersey: Savile in Jersey: Madge Hayes and St Helier Community Services Board
Savile’s espoused beliefs: A coherent whole or merely the actions of a compulsive collector of keys, symbols and shepherd’s crooks?
Savile: British Israelite, Loyal & Ancient Shepherd of the Empire, Messianic OddFellow?
Kincora, TARA, Robin Bryans & the British Israelites
The Relentless Gimmickry of Jimmy (Part 1)
Savile: British Israelite, Loyal & Ancient Shepherd of the Empire, Messianic OddFellow?
Kincora, TARA, Robin Bryans & the British Israelites
The Relentless Gimmickry of Jimmy (Part 1)