Alison Jackson.
In March 2017:
US drones bombed a mosque in Aleppo, Syria, killing at least 47 civilians.
US aircraft bombed homes, a school and a hospital in Tabqah, Syria, killing 20 civilians.
A US-led coalition airstrike on a school that was housing 50 Syrian families killed at least 33 civilians.
Donald Trump's War Crimes
Since he took office, Trump has increased the frequency of drone strikes by 432 %
Forget about Trump.
Vice President Mike Pence has said that Trump would be prepared to carry out air strikes against Assad.
Pence said: "The US needs to be prepared to strike military targets of the Assad regime..."
Mike Pence on Russia and Syria - Oct 2016
Pence said: "The US needs to be prepared to strike military targets of the Assad regime..."
Mike Pence on Russia and Syria - Oct 2016
According to Veterans Today:
In 2013, Mossad, the CIA and Turkish Intelligence carried out a Sarin gas attack on civilians in Syria.
Over one housand civilians died.

Major General Paul E. Vallely is a supporter of the Jerusalem Summit organization and an advocate of the organization's proposal to "relocate"/"resettle" Palestine and the Palestinian people to surrounding Arab countries as a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Vallely blasted allegations of detainee abuse at Guantanamo as "myths of the left-wing press".

Jared Cohen
"Press TV's Detroit-born Serena Shim, later murdered by Turkish intelligence, traced the sarin gas to a Hatay, Turkey safe house run by Jared Cohen's Google Idea Groups...
"President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry got wind of the plot against the United States.
"They then contacted Russian President Putin and arranged for Syria's President Assad to allow that nation’s long-abandoned chemical warfare program to be carted away, closing the door to further Israeli/Turkish mischief."

Mike Pence says: "I frankly hold Dick Cheney in very high regard."
Journalist Allan Nairn says: "The murder adventurers, the figures like Cheney and Rumsfeld, they're with Trump."
Could a Pence Vice Presidency Unleash a Cheney-Style Foreign policy? / Mike Pence Hails Dick Cheney as His 'Role Model'

Pence and his Israeli friends.
One of the crazy and wrong arguments in favour of Donald Trump is that he will get on well with Russia.
Mike Pence has described Putin "as a 'small and bullying' man who had invaded two neighbours and helped prop up Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.
"Pence argued that a Trump administration would be harder on Putin than a Clinton one."
Mike Pence on Russia and Syria - Oct 2016

Nancy Cawley, from Chicago. Mike Pence is very close with his mom, Nancy, née Cawley. Cawley can be a Jewish name.
Trump criticised Obama for being soft on Putin on the subject of Ukraine.
"Our president is not strong, and he is not doing what he should be doing for the Ukraine," Trump said.
Trump Slams Obama as Weak on Russia

Pence has said: "The Russians invaded Ukraine and took over Crimea...
"When Donald Trump's president, we are not going to have the kind of posture in the world that has Russia invading Crimea and Ukraine …"
Pence has said that Trump would be prepared to carry out air strikes against Assad.
Pence said: "The US needs to be prepared to strike military targets of the Assad regime..."
Mike Pence on Russia and Syria - Oct 2016

Mike Pence voted YES on authorizing military force in Iraq. (Oct 2002)
Mike Pence voted YES on $78B for war in Iraq and Afghanistan. (Apr 2003)
Mike Pence voted YES on implementing CAFTA, Central America Free Trade. (Jul 2005)
Mike Pence voted YES on extending the PATRIOT Act's roving wiretaps. (Feb 2011)
Mike Pence supports solidarity with Israel in its fight against terrorism. (Apr 2002)

Mike Pence is a pro-Israel, homophobe who supported the Iraq War.
"Pence is a strong supporter of torture, of rendition programs, of drone killings and doing whatever Israel says without question..
"Pence is a friggin' Nazi."
article here

What Trump says on Syria:
"It may require boots on the ground ...
"If military advisers recommend it, we should commit ... troops to fight on the ground."
Agent Orange children.
"I said bomb ... and take the oil."

What Trump says on war:
"I'm the most militaristic person on your show."
"How much is it worth to them to be rid of the bloodthirsty dictatorship of Saddam Hussein and to have gained a democracy? In reality, that's a priceless gift...
In 2013, Mossad, the CIA and Turkish Intelligence carried out a Sarin gas attack on civilians in Syria.
Over one housand civilians died.
The purpose of the Sarin gas attack "was to force President Obama to bomb Syria..."
"Trump offered the Vice-Presidency to Major General Paul Vallely", who has been linked to the Sarin gas attack in Syria.
Major General Paul E. Vallely is a supporter of the Jerusalem Summit organization and an advocate of the organization's proposal to "relocate"/"resettle" Palestine and the Palestinian people to surrounding Arab countries as a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Vallely blasted allegations of detainee abuse at Guantanamo as "myths of the left-wing press".
According to Veterans Today:
"The sarin gas was shipped to Turkey and then Syria ... gas produced at a CIA facility in Tbilisi, Georgia..."
Jared Cohen
"Press TV's Detroit-born Serena Shim, later murdered by Turkish intelligence, traced the sarin gas to a Hatay, Turkey safe house run by Jared Cohen's Google Idea Groups...
"President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry got wind of the plot against the United States.
"They then contacted Russian President Putin and arranged for Syria's President Assad to allow that nation’s long-abandoned chemical warfare program to be carted away, closing the door to further Israeli/Turkish mischief."
Pence (above) has Irish origins. Crypto-Jews in Ireland
Pence runs the government?
"Donald Trump Jr. explained that his father's vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy."
The New York Times / Trump to Delegate All Domestic and Foreign Policy to his Vice President. / Donald Trump Wants His VP To Be In Charge Of ALL Policy
Pence runs the government?
"Donald Trump Jr. explained that his father's vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy."
The New York Times / Trump to Delegate All Domestic and Foreign Policy to his Vice President. / Donald Trump Wants His VP To Be In Charge Of ALL Policy
Mike Pence says: "I frankly hold Dick Cheney in very high regard."
Journalist Allan Nairn says: "The murder adventurers, the figures like Cheney and Rumsfeld, they're with Trump."
Could a Pence Vice Presidency Unleash a Cheney-Style Foreign policy? / Mike Pence Hails Dick Cheney as His 'Role Model'
Pence and his Israeli friends.
One of the crazy and wrong arguments in favour of Donald Trump is that he will get on well with Russia.
Mike Pence has described Putin "as a 'small and bullying' man who had invaded two neighbours and helped prop up Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.
"Pence argued that a Trump administration would be harder on Putin than a Clinton one."
Mike Pence on Russia and Syria - Oct 2016
Nancy Cawley, from Chicago. Mike Pence is very close with his mom, Nancy, née Cawley. Cawley can be a Jewish name.
Trump criticised Obama for being soft on Putin on the subject of Ukraine.
"Our president is not strong, and he is not doing what he should be doing for the Ukraine," Trump said.
Trump Slams Obama as Weak on Russia
Pence has said: "The Russians invaded Ukraine and took over Crimea...
"When Donald Trump's president, we are not going to have the kind of posture in the world that has Russia invading Crimea and Ukraine …"
Pence has said that Trump would be prepared to carry out air strikes against Assad.
Pence said: "The US needs to be prepared to strike military targets of the Assad regime..."
Mike Pence on Russia and Syria - Oct 2016
Mike Pence voted YES on authorizing military force in Iraq. (Oct 2002)
Mike Pence voted YES on $78B for war in Iraq and Afghanistan. (Apr 2003)
Mike Pence voted YES on implementing CAFTA, Central America Free Trade. (Jul 2005)
Mike Pence voted YES on extending the PATRIOT Act's roving wiretaps. (Feb 2011)
Mike Pence supports solidarity with Israel in its fight against terrorism. (Apr 2002)
Mike Pence is a pro-Israel, homophobe who supported the Iraq War.
"Pence is a strong supporter of torture, of rendition programs, of drone killings and doing whatever Israel says without question..
"Pence is a friggin' Nazi."
article here
What Trump says on Syria:
"It may require boots on the ground ...
"If military advisers recommend it, we should commit ... troops to fight on the ground."
Source: Crippled America, by Donald Trump, p. 37 , Nov 3, 2015

What Trump says on Syria:
"I don't support the ceasefire in Syria."
What Trump says on Syria:
"I don't support the ceasefire in Syria."
Source: 2016 CNN-Telemundo Republican debate on eve of Texas primary , Feb 25, 2016
What Trump says on bombing:
"I said bomb ... and take the oil."
What Trump says on war:
"I'm the most militaristic person on your show."
Source: CBS Face the Nation 2015 interview by Bob Schieffer , Oct 11, 2015

Saddam was put into power by the CIA. Richard Sale, UPI Intelligence Correspondent, wrote about Saddam and the CIA on 4/10/2003 (Exclusive: Saddam Was key in early CIA plot).
What Trump says on Iraq:
Saddam was put into power by the CIA. Richard Sale, UPI Intelligence Correspondent, wrote about Saddam and the CIA on 4/10/2003 (Exclusive: Saddam Was key in early CIA plot).
What Trump says on Iraq:
"How much is it worth to them to be rid of the bloodthirsty dictatorship of Saddam Hussein and to have gained a democracy? In reality, that's a priceless gift...
"They should pay us back...
"All I'm asking is that they give us ... oil.
"The ingratitude of Iraq's leadership is breathtaking."
"The ingratitude of Iraq's leadership is breathtaking."
Source: Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 9-10 , Dec 5, 2011

Kim at school in Berne in Switzerland. Berne is a major base for the CIA and its friends. In 1943, future CIA Director Allen Dulles moved to Bern in Switzerland. Kim Jong-Un part of CIA mind control exercise
What Trump says on North Korea:
"Who else in public life has called for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea?"
Kim at school in Berne in Switzerland. Berne is a major base for the CIA and its friends. In 1943, future CIA Director Allen Dulles moved to Bern in Switzerland. Kim Jong-Un part of CIA mind control exercise
What Trump says on North Korea:
"Who else in public life has called for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea?"
Trump is willing to carry out a pre-emptive strike on North Korea
Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.274 , Jul 2, 2000

What Trump says on Israel:
"The U.S. must continue to nurture and safeguard our special relationship with the state of Israel.
"This relationship must remain the cornerstone of our policy tactics through the entire Middle-East region..."
Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.132-33 , Jul 2, 2000
Trump represents all that is evil about the USA.

Donald Trump's foreign policy speech, on 27 April 2016, makes it clear that his main aims are:
Trump's foreign policy speech.

"A pause for reassessment will help us to prevent the next San Bernardino or worse - all you have to do is look at the World Trade Center and September 11th."

In a 2002 interview with Howard Stern, Donald Trump said he supported an Iraq invasion.
Trump told a Phoenix audience that "I'm the most militaristic person in this room."
Donald Trump: A False Flag Candidate - ... / Trump's kowtowing to Israel shows who REALLY runs USA

Jeff Sessions has been accused of being friends with the KKK and some have suspected him of being gay. Jeff Sessions's chequered past
Trump's foreign policy team has been led by Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions.
In 2005, Sessions spoke at a rally in Washington, D.C. in favour of the War in Iraq.
Sessions voted YES on enlarging NATO to include Eastern Europe.

Bilderberger Henry Kissinger is very close to Donald Trump.
"The two have been speaking by phone for weeks, and Trump's foreign policy aligns with Kissinger's realist worldview..."
WashPost: Trump, Kissinger Meet
What Trump says on Israel:
"The U.S. must continue to nurture and safeguard our special relationship with the state of Israel.
"This relationship must remain the cornerstone of our policy tactics through the entire Middle-East region..."
Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.132-33 , Jul 2, 2000
Israeli Snipers target pregnant women in Gaza, a Nazi Trick - One Bullet Two Kills Tee Shirts celebrate the murders
Trump represents all that is evil about the USA.
Donald Trump's foreign policy speech, on 27 April 2016, makes it clear that his main aims are:
1. To give total support to Israel.
2. To give total support to the military industrial complex.
3. To continue to pretend that the USA and Israel do not support al Qaeda and ISIS.
4. To put American boots on the ground when necessary.
Trump's foreign policy speech.
Trump said:
"A pause for reassessment will help us to prevent the next San Bernardino or worse - all you have to do is look at the World Trade Center and September 11th."
In a 2002 interview with Howard Stern, Donald Trump said he supported an Iraq invasion.
Trump told a Phoenix audience that "I'm the most militaristic person in this room."
Donald Trump: A False Flag Candidate - ... / Trump's kowtowing to Israel shows who REALLY runs USA
Jeff Sessions has been accused of being friends with the KKK and some have suspected him of being gay. Jeff Sessions's chequered past
Trump's foreign policy team has been led by Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions.
In 2005, Sessions spoke at a rally in Washington, D.C. in favour of the War in Iraq.
Sessions voted YES on enlarging NATO to include Eastern Europe.
"Trump may claim that he seeks to reign in US adventurism, but based on the records of his chosen advisers, a Trump presidency would likely mean business as usual."
Donald Trump - A NeoCon War Hawk.

Donald Trump - A NeoCon War Hawk.
Trump attacks Iran for supporting Assad, and blames Iran rather than Saudi Arabia for the destruction in Yemen.
Trump's lies about Iran are based on Netanyahu's chart.
Trump the ULTRA-neocon - Cannonfire.
Both Trump and Kissinger are German in origin.
Matthew Burke has pointed out that Trump's philosophy is 'close' to to that of Bilderberger Kingpin Henry Kissinger.
Trump adviser Senator Jeff Sessions revealed on FOX News that Trump's foreign policy is 'close' to that of globalist Bilderberg kingpin Henry Kissinger.
Newsmax quotes Jeff Sessions as saying of Trump:
"His basic philosophy and approach to national defense and foreign policy is close to the Kissinger type model.
"It's realism."
Trump the ULTRA-neocon - Cannonfire.
Both Trump and Kissinger are German in origin.
Matthew Burke has pointed out that Trump's philosophy is 'close' to to that of Bilderberger Kingpin Henry Kissinger.
Trump adviser Senator Jeff Sessions revealed on FOX News that Trump's foreign policy is 'close' to that of globalist Bilderberg kingpin Henry Kissinger.
Newsmax quotes Jeff Sessions as saying of Trump:
"His basic philosophy and approach to national defense and foreign policy is close to the Kissinger type model.
"It's realism."
"The two have been speaking by phone for weeks, and Trump's foreign policy aligns with Kissinger's realist worldview..."
WashPost: Trump, Kissinger Meet
Trump is no different from George W Bush.
Trump always promotes the CIA-Mossad version of events.