The selection of right-wing Iowa talk radio host Sam Clovis
to serve as top scientist at the US Department of Agriculture makes perfect sense in "Two Scoops" Trump's fact-free, climate change-denying, middle-finger-in-your-face world.
It's why Trump made the country's biggest oil man Secretary of State and a Koch brothers' errand boy administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.
And why I'm convinced he'll find a place for Milwaukee County Sheriff and overlord of a now infamous water-free jail David Clarke to a position somewhere, because, as Trump made clear when he fired FBI Director James Comey, loyalty shall be rewarded.
The EPA's Office of Water manager position is available.
to serve as top scientist at the US Department of Agriculture makes perfect sense in "Two Scoops" Trump's fact-free, climate change-denying, middle-finger-in-your-face world.
It's why Trump made the country's biggest oil man Secretary of State and a Koch brothers' errand boy administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.
And why I'm convinced he'll find a place for Milwaukee County Sheriff and overlord of a now infamous water-free jail David Clarke to a position somewhere, because, as Trump made clear when he fired FBI Director James Comey, loyalty shall be rewarded.
The EPA's Office of Water manager position is available.