Did President Trump Hint That The US May Be Sabotaging North Korea's Missile Program?

Photo: CBS/Face The Nation

Business Insider: Trump hints that the US may be sabotaging North Korea's nuclear program

It happened again — a North Korean missile launch exploded in the air, over land, just a few minutes after launching on Friday.

While North Korea can still learn a lot from a failed missile test and use those lessons to advance their program, they've failed to demonstrate capability with missile types the US perfected in the 1970s — and cyber espionage may be to blame.

Asked about North Korea's unsuccessful missile test by CBS' John Dickerson on "Face the Nation" on Sunday, President Donald Trump refused to address whether or not the US had anything to do with the rogue nation's missile failures.

"I'd rather not discuss it. But perhaps they're just not very good missiles," said Trump. Pressed further on possible US sabotage of North Korea's missiles, Trump did not deny it. "I just don't want to discuss it."

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WNU Editor: I did not get that impression at all (full interview here).

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