lol watch melania's hand— jordan 🌹 (@JordanUhl) May 22, 2017
Erin Gloria Ryan, Daily Beast: Melania’s Swat Proves She Hates Donald Just as Much as America Does
The first lady’s hand slap heard ’round the world is far from the first time she’s shown disdain for her husband. Welcome to the club.
Maybe Melania Trump, a woman who was once photographed for Vanity Fair forking a bowl of expensive necklaces as though they were spaghetti noodles, has more in common with the average American than we initially thought. Like the average American, it appears that she too, cannot stand her husband.
This afternoon in Tel Aviv, President Donald Trump reached for his wife’s hand. Rather than indulge him with human touch, the sort of human touch regular married people who like each other might engage in, the reluctant First Lady swatted his hand away. This wasn’t done backstage before an event, or in the privacy of a place where it was safe to assume there weren’t any cameras. No, Melania has grown bolder in her push to telegraph her disdain for Donald. She did it as she and her husband joined Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife in a photo op. She did it in front of a veritable United Nations of news cameras. She did it so the whole world could see. She doesn’t care if he’s embarrassed, and it completely rules.
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WNU Editor: To begin .... IMHO she has been a rock star as First Lady, and I can understand why President Trump was attracted to her when he first met him. As for her "swatting" his hand or behaving with him in public .... LOL .... trust me on this one who has dated central and eastern European women .... they are all like this. The above author (Erin Gloria Ryan) and those who have commented in her comment thread are making the mistake that I see too often from American commentators .... they are looking at this through the cultural lens of the West on how women and men should behave .... well it is different elsewhere. I grew up in the Eastern Europe .... but when I moved to Canada and started to date the women here .... it was never easy. Too many differences on the small things. I guess that is why my GF is Italian-French whose cultural upbringing is also from Europe .... we both know the rules and what to expect. And yes ..... she never likes to be intimate in public .... but behind closed doors .... :)