Jeremy Corbyn and Gerry Adams. What do they have in common?
In the UK, neither Theresa May's Conservative Party, nor Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party, is willing to speak out about the use of false flag terrorism, child abuse rings, and mind control - all used to keep the elite in power.
Corbyn, second from right.
Colin Todhunter asks if Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the UK Labour Party, is Britain's best hope.
Britain's Best Hope - Conservatives or Labour?
1. Colin Todhunter reminds us that the leaders of the UK Conservative Party would be happy to join US military action against the Syrian government.
Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party, says: "We need to work through the UN."
The Labour manifesto states that Labour supports the renewal of Trident.
Jeremy Corbyn with his former agent Derek Sawyer, who has been linked to people involved in a child abuse ring. CORBYN AND CHILD ABUSE
"See this about rising food poverty and increasing reliance on food banks in the UK.
3. The UK Conservative Party is currently run by wealthy pro-Israel, pro-Pentagon individuals.
4. Colin Todhunter asks: Can Jeremy Corbyn Stem the Tide of Neoliberalism and Militarism?
"The economy is now based on (held to ransom by) a banking and finance-sector cartel that specialises in rigging markets, debt creation, money laundering and salting away profits in various City of London satellite tax havens and beyond...
"When manufacturing industry was decimated (along with the union movement) and offshored, people were told that finance was to be the backbone of the ‘new’ economy. And to be sure it has become the backbone, a weak one based on bubbles, derivatives trading, speculation and all manner of dodgy transactions and practices.
Thatcher has been linked to people in child abuse rings.
Jeremy Corbyn with his former agent Derek Sawyer, who has been linked to people involved in a child abuse ring. CORBYN AND CHILD ABUSE
2. Currently, the UK has a Conservative government.
Colin Todhunter reminds us about the increasing poverty in parts of UK.
Average life expectancy has fallen in the UK .
Average life expectancy has fallen in the UK .
"See this about rising food poverty and increasing reliance on food banks in the UK.
"See this about the five richest families in Britain being worth more than the poorest 20%.
"See this about one third of Britain's population being in poverty.
"According to this report, almost 18 million people cannot afford adequate housing conditions; 12 million are too poor to engage in common social activities...
"According to this report, almost 18 million people cannot afford adequate housing conditions; 12 million are too poor to engage in common social activities...
"One in three cannot afford to heat their homes adequately in winter; and four million children and adults are not properly fed (Britain’s population is estimated at 63 to 64 million).
"Welfare cuts have pushed hundreds of thousands below the poverty line since 2012, including more than 300,000 children.
The Labour Party manifesto pledges to scrap 'punitive' benefit sanctions, and reverse several of the Conservatives' welfare reforms, including a £30-a-week cut to disability benefits.
Labour draft election manifesto.
"Welfare cuts have pushed hundreds of thousands below the poverty line since 2012, including more than 300,000 children.
The Labour Party manifesto pledges to scrap 'punitive' benefit sanctions, and reverse several of the Conservatives' welfare reforms, including a £30-a-week cut to disability benefits.
Labour draft election manifesto.
The village of Sonning, west of London, was home to Uri Geller for 35 years. Theresa May lives in Sonning. Uri Geller has been linked to the CIA and Mossad.
3. The UK Conservative Party is currently run by wealthy pro-Israel, pro-Pentagon individuals.
According to Colin Todhunter:
In The Guardian, George Monbiot describes how Conservative cabinet minister Liam Fox has been central to cementing firm links with US corporate interests via The Heritage Foundation.
"The story Monbiot outlines is one of Fox's associations with US banking, oil, agribusiness, pharmaceutical and tobacco interests which have pursued an ultra-conservative economic agenda based on deregulation and the capturing of legislative processes.
"Monbiot notes that The Heritage Foundation is now at the heart of Trump's administration.
"Monbiot notes that The Heritage Foundation is now at the heart of Trump's administration.
Left - Liam Fox. Right - Duterte, President of the Philippines.
"Under prime minister Theresa May, the trade treaties that Fox is charged with could plug the UK into US food and environmental standards, which tend to be lower than Britain's and will become lower still if Trump gets his way...
"Taking back control from Europe means closer integration with the US."
Colin Todhunter refers to the Conservative Party's ongoing privatisation of the NHS.
Colin Todhunter writes:
"Whether Corbyn could actually stem to tide of militarism and neoliberalism if elected PM is highly debatable..."
"Taking back control from Europe means closer integration with the US."
Colin Todhunter refers to the Conservative Party's ongoing privatisation of the NHS.
Colin Todhunter writes:
"Whether Corbyn could actually stem to tide of militarism and neoliberalism if elected PM is highly debatable..."
Theresa may
"The economy is now based on (held to ransom by) a banking and finance-sector cartel that specialises in rigging markets, debt creation, money laundering and salting away profits in various City of London satellite tax havens and beyond...
"When manufacturing industry was decimated (along with the union movement) and offshored, people were told that finance was to be the backbone of the ‘new’ economy. And to be sure it has become the backbone, a weak one based on bubbles, derivatives trading, speculation and all manner of dodgy transactions and practices.
Thatcher has been linked to people in child abuse rings.
"Margaret Thatcher in the eighties handed the economy to bankers and transnational corporations and they have never looked back. It was similar in the US.
"Now Britain stands shoulder to shoulder with Washington’s militaristic agenda as the US desperately seeks to maintain global hegemony...
Thatchers with Skye McAlpine, daughter of Lord McAlpine, who was the Tory Party Treasurer while Thatcher was prime Minister.
"Demand is flat and will remain flat because consumers are in debt and their wages are stagnant or falling.
"The biggest contributor to US GDP is the military-industrial complex - the arms companies, the military, the surveillance agencies, the logistics corporations, etc. The US can keep on printing dollars and extracting dollars from other nations via offering its treasury bonds..."