Dear Monarch Friends,
Once again we are called to help protect another portion of the County Grounds. (To be clear, our 11-acre preserve, containing the fall roosting sites is protected.)
But now, Wauwatosa wants to develop in County Grounds Park! They are saying they need to develop parkland in order to save Sanctuary Woods. This “land swap” is unacceptable. (See map below.)
County Grounds Park is currently being restored as replacement habitat for Monarch butterflies! Over $200,000 has already been allotted for this restoration.
Our agreement with Milwaukee County and Wauwatosa per the Habitat Restoration Plan for the County Grounds reads: “This parcel, (County Grounds Park) greater than 50 acres in size will provide new habitat area to replace those lost or impacted by the UWM development and to help reconnect the previously severed Environmental Corridor.”
The whole of the County Grounds has reached its limit and cannot withstand another slice taken off. We need to take action for monarchs, birds and the future of the County Grounds. What can I do?
1. Write a letter, email and call the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors:
(Click on link to view each Supervisor’s contact info.)
2. Write a letter, email and call the Parks Director John Dargle:
(Phone 414-257-7275, press “0” and leave a message)
3. Write a letter, email and call (414-278-4211) the County Executive Chris Abele:
(Phone 414- 278-4211)
4. REALLY IMPORTANT--Attend the Milwaukee County Committee on Parks, Energy and Environment Meeting:
Tuesday, May 16th 9:00 am
Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors
Milwaukee County Courthouse, Rm. 201B
901 N. 9th St. Milwaukee, WI 53233 |