You may remember that Saukville Wisconsin Republican legislator Rob Brooks, almost exactly two years ago, said right-wing GOP Gov. and perpetual candidate Scott Walker had submitted "a crap budget.'
Fast-forward to the reception Walker's latest budget is getting: GOP leaders tossed out large sections, including a big one - - the red- ink-stained transportation section - - saying they would instead start from scratch to try and solve what years of Walker over-spending had done to budgets, unfinished, grandiose super-highways and pothole-filled everyday crap roads.
So the Assembly, with praise from lead Senate budget-writer and veteran River Hills legislator Alberta Darling, rolled out a complex tax shifting and transportation spending plan created by Brookfield Representative and accountant Dale Kooyenga, which, predictably, Walker now doesn't like.
The Governor says it's because the Kooyenga plan raises gas taxes. Kooyenga says it's basically neutral on that point, but the real reason Walker doesn't like the plan is that its creation bypassed Walker and suggested that maybe there was a smarter guy In the room.
And yesterday GOP legislative leaders, Darling among them, said they had no interest in even considering Walker's new plan to move state employees into a self-insurance model, leaving Team Walker fuming.
In other words, even Republican legislators are tiring of Walker's broad, mail-it-in strokes while jetting around the country making speeches, raising money and enjoying the perks of a year as chair of the Republican Governors Association while legislators back home have to slog through Crap Budget 2.0.

Fast-forward to the reception Walker's latest budget is getting: GOP leaders tossed out large sections, including a big one - - the red- ink-stained transportation section - - saying they would instead start from scratch to try and solve what years of Walker over-spending had done to budgets, unfinished, grandiose super-highways and pothole-filled everyday crap roads.
So the Assembly, with praise from lead Senate budget-writer and veteran River Hills legislator Alberta Darling, rolled out a complex tax shifting and transportation spending plan created by Brookfield Representative and accountant Dale Kooyenga, which, predictably, Walker now doesn't like.
The Governor says it's because the Kooyenga plan raises gas taxes. Kooyenga says it's basically neutral on that point, but the real reason Walker doesn't like the plan is that its creation bypassed Walker and suggested that maybe there was a smarter guy In the room.
And yesterday GOP legislative leaders, Darling among them, said they had no interest in even considering Walker's new plan to move state employees into a self-insurance model, leaving Team Walker fuming.
In other words, even Republican legislators are tiring of Walker's broad, mail-it-in strokes while jetting around the country making speeches, raising money and enjoying the perks of a year as chair of the Republican Governors Association while legislators back home have to slog through Crap Budget 2.0.