"Egyptian college kids on Facebook were suckered into supporting the CIA's Arab Spring"

Recent false flag events in the UK would suggest that the Kosher Nostra wants to topple Theresa May?

There are plenty of people who could replace Theresa May.

David Davis's mother married a Polish-Jew called Ronald Davis.[3]

David Davis

Jeremy Corbyn has said: "There is a Jewish element in my family, probably from Germany."

Jeremy Corbyn: 'My Jewish ancestry'

Boris Johnson has affirmed his Jewish ancestry .

Has the Kosher Nostra fallen out with Theresa May?

In July 2016, Theresa May sacked the powerful Jewish 'Rothschild-friend' Oliver Letwin from her cabinet.

On 10 June 2017, Theresa May sacked Nick Timothy (above) as her Chief of Staff. Nick Timothy's brother, John, was a public affairs officer at the Israel think tank, Bicom. 

Robert Halfon

On 12 June 2017, Theresa May sacked the powerful Jewish politician Robert Halfon from her Cabinet.

In January 2017, Robert Halfon's aide was caught in the middle of an Israeli plot to 'take down' Foreign Office Minister Sir Alan Duncan.


In February 2017, Theresa May defied Benjamin Netanyahu with a vow of support for the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Mike King, at, has a relevant post entitled HOW TO COOK UP A FAKE 'UPRISING OF THE PEOPLE'

1. Top CIA, Mossad, MI6 and other agents move in to the target area, under cover.

2. The spooks use the guise of "pro democracy" or "human rights" inside the target area.

The spooks recruit to their groups "malcontents, libtards, and gullible idealists."

Above, we see the Indonesian military, who are trained by the Pentagon, training the FPI, which is linked to ISIS . The Indonesian generals work closely with the CIA and Mossad. The FPI are actually preman, which means streets thugs.

3. The CIA recruits "its network of domestic traitors."

Usually, the key people in the target area, such as generals and journalists, are already working for the CIA and its friends.

"If bribery doesn't work...use Blackmail."

And mind-control.


4. The spooks kick off their 'revolution' with a 'spontaneous protest.'

The spooks "use their agents and their controlled NGO idiots to make allegations of human rights abuses, or government corruption, or election fraud.

"WikiLeaks may be able to assist the fake revolution by leaking embarrassing secrets..."

The Kosher Nostra controls most things?

5.  "Now that the world is watching, the spooks stage an incident.

"Manipulate some fanatic into setting himself on fire!

"Otherwise, fake an atrocity, use fake blood, fake tear gas, and photo shopped images..."

The Kosher Nostra boasts that it is behind the terror in London?

6. "The spooks use violent agent provocateurs to FORCE the police into violent acts.

"This will embarrass, intimidate, and destabilize the government..." to the point where it becomes de-legitimized in the eyes of "the world community."


Obama's mother, who moved to Indonesia in 1967. Ann Dunham reportedly worked for a CIA front organisation.

Remember the fall of Marcos in the Philippines and the fall of Suharto in Indonesia?

Remember the fall of pro-Soviet regimes in Eastern Europe?

Remember the more recent changes in Haiti and Georgia?

There is a CIA connection.

The CIA's Allen Pope during his trial in Jakarta, 28 December 1959. The CIA secretly bombed Christians in Indonesia, in order to topple President Sukarno. On 15 May 1958, a CIA plane bombed the Ambon marketplace, killing a large number of civilians on their way to church on Ascension Thursday.Three days later, during another bombing run over Ambon, a CIA pilot, Allen Lawrence Pope, was shot down and captured.

Mark Almond, lecturer in modern history at Oriel College, Oxford, wrote in the Guardian, December 7, 2004:

"As an old cold war swagman, who carried tens of thousands of dollars to Soviet-bloc dissidents alongside much better respected academics, perhaps I can cast some light on what a Romanian friend called 'our clandestine period'. 

"Too many higher up the food chain of People Power seem reticent about making full disclosure.

"Nowadays, we can google the names of foundations such as America's National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and a myriad surrogates funding Ukraine's Pora movement or 'independent' media. 

"But unless you know the NED's James Woolsey was also head of the CIA 10 years ago, are you any wiser?"

Alison Jackson photos

People Power is usually about changing regimes to suit the American Military Industrial Complex and the Kosher Nostra.

As Almond states, "People Power is, it turns out, more about closing things than creating an open society.

"It shuts factories but, worse still, minds.

"Its advocates demand a free market in everything - except opinion."


In Indonesia, in the years 1997- 1998, there were riots in various parts of Indonesia.

Sometimes these riots were aimed against the Chinese-Indonesians.

Some riots looked spontaneous and some looked as if they had been planned.


Intelligence agencies

Back in the 1950s the British and American intelligence agencies had organised rebellions in various parts of Indonesia, in order to undermine President Sukarno.


General Prabowo and a Thai 'girl'

The generals

In 1998 one of the key Indonesian generals was Prabowo, son of Dr. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, a former Finance Minister, said to have once worked with the British and the Americans against Sukarno.

Prabowo had learnt about 'terrorism' at Fort Bragg and Fort Benning in the US.

(General Prabowo and terror /

In May 1998, Prabowo was commander of Kostrad, the strategic reserve, the regiment Suharto commanded when he took power in 1965.

Prabowo's friend Muchdi ran Kopassus (special forces) and his friend Sjafrie ran the Jakarta Area Command.

The boss of the military was the USA's friend General Wiranto.

The American Defence Secretary, William Cohen, was in Jakarta in January 1998 and he visited both Prabowo and Wiranto.

The CIA chief had also been a recent visitor to Jakarta.

The CIA and the Pentagon were close to both Prabowo and Wiranto.


Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world.


At the start of May 1998, students were holding peaceful demonstrations on university campuses across the country.

They were protesting against massive price rises for fuel and energy, and they were demanding that President Suharto should step down.

On May 12th, students at Jakarta's Trisakti University, many of them the children of the elite, planned to march to parliament to present the government with their demands for reform.

The police prevented the students from marching.

Some time after 5pm, uniformed men on motorcycles appeared on the flyover which overlooks Trisakti.

Shots rang out.

Four students were killed.

Trisakti students.

Riots of May 13-14

On the 13th of May there were reports of rioting in the area around Trisakti.

President Suharto was attending a conference in Egypt and the military top brass went off to Malang in East Java to attend a ceremony.

On the 14th of May, serious rioting took place in the Jakarta area.

There were no signs of any uniformed soldiers on the streets.

Jakarta, May 1998.


Over 1,000 people died during these Jakarta riots, most having been burnt in malls and supermarkets but some having been shot or beaten.

Alleged involvement of the military in planning the riots

Father Sandyawan Sumardi, a 40-year-old priest and son of a police chief, led an independent investigation into the events of May 1998.

He interviewed people who had witnessed the alleged involvement of the military in organising the riots and rapes.

( (http://www.asiaweek)

The military brought into Jakarta thousands of gangsters (preman) to help carry out the rioting.

According to Father Sandyawan Sumardi's inquiry team:

A security officer alleged that Kopassus (special forces) officers had ordered the burning down of a bank.

A taxi driver reported hearing a man in a military helicopter encouraging people on the ground to carry out looting.

Shop-owners at a Plaza claimed that, before the riots, military officers tried to extract protection money.

A teenager claimed he and thousands of others had been trained as protesters.

A street child alleged that Kopassus officers ordered him and and his friends to become rioters.

There was a report of soldiers being dressed up as students and then taking part in rioting.

Eyewitnesses spoke of muscular men with short haircuts arriving in military-style trucks and directing attacks on Chinese homes and businesses.

There were reports of children being encouraged to enter malls and then of the malls being set on fire.

There were allegations that muscular men with short haircuts had gang-raped little Chinese girls and then murdered some of them.

Prabowo (right) with Trump's friend Hary Tanoe.

Suharto told he had lost the support of the military

Some of Suharto's former allies deserted him.

Wiranto allowed students to occupy Parliament.

Reportedly Wiranto reported to Suharto on May 20th that Suharto no longer had the support of the army.

Suharto was forced to resign on May 21 and was replaced by Habibie, his Vice President.

The continuing importance of the military

Wiranto remained as chief of the armed forces. Wiranto's troops began removing the students from the parliament building.

One result of the May riots was that the military appeared to remain the power behind the throne. In 2004, General Yudhoyono became president.


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