You may find the claims made in the title image of this article hard to believe, but I will back up everything with sources.
The UK government stands accused of sitting on a report into terrorist financing that implicates Saudi Arabia. They are attempting to keep the report secret because they claim that the contents are "very sensitive".
Of course the contents are "very sensitive" if it's revealed that terrorist networks that are operating in the UK are receiving funding from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states that are our supposed "allies".
That's undoubtedly the kind of stuff that can actually bring governments down if it's released at election time.
Sources about the existence of this secret report: Guardian, Independent, NewsweekIt's common knowledge that Theresa May visited Riyadh in April 2017 in order to suck up to the brutal Islamist Saudi tyrants, and to flog them more British weapons.
We all remember her getting more "outraged" about a fake news story about a National Trust Easter egg hunt dropping the word Easter when they didn't drop the word Easter at all, than about the fact that the Saudi tyrants repress women, behead people for renouncing Islam, literally crucify and then behead teenagers for attending pro-democracy protests and the like ...
Fewer people seem to realise that the British parliament has officially recognised that Saudi Arabia is using British weapons to commit their horrific war crimes in Yemen.
Source: Foreign Affairs Select Committee ReportThe idea of Theresa May hawking weapons to Saudi Arabia in the full knowledge that they use these weapons to commit war crimes against civilians in Yemen should send shudders down any decent British person's spine, but somehow the Tories get away with this absolutely sickening behaviour.
Boris Johnson even justified it in parliament with the argument that if we don't sell them weapons to commit war crimes with, somebody else will!
We also know that Theresa May must be fully aware that Saudi Arabia is a major source of funding for terrorist networks in Iraq, Syria and Libya. It's totally clear that the Western intelligence services have known about this for years. The leaked Hillary Clinton emails prove that Saudi financing of terrorism was known about at the highest levels. It's inconceivable that as Home Secretary she didn't know.
So we know that Theresa May knew about Saudi Arabia committing war crimes with British weapons when she was hawking more weapons to the Saudis (totally outrageous), and we know that she knew about the Saudis funding terrorist networks across the middle east when she was hawking them weapons (irrefutably outrageous), but what we don't know is whether she's was aware of the report into the Saudi funding of UK based terrorist networks when she was hawking them weapons (which would be indescribably far beyond outrageous).
So the question has to be whether anyone in the mainstream press is actually going to attempt to hold Theresa May to account?
More specifically:
- Is anyone in the mainstream press actually going to ask Theresa May to explicitly justify selling weapons to Saudi Arabia when she knows they're using British weapons to commit war crimes?
- Is anyone in the mainstream press actually going to ask Theresa May to explicitly justify selling weapons to Saudi Arabia when she undoubtedly knows about the Saudi financing of terrorist networks across the middle east?
- Is anyone in the mainstream press actually going to ask Theresa May how Salman Abedi (the Manchester bomber) was allowed to pass through the UK border having been in the terrorist breeding grounds of Libya and Syria, and despite a warning from the US that he was planning a terrorist attack against the UK (and five warnings from the Manchester Muslim community)?
- Is anyone in the mainstream press actually going to demand that Theresa May release the report into the funding of terrorist networks in the UK before the election?
- Finally, and most importantly: Is anyone in the mainstream press actually going to ask Theresa May whether she already knew about the contents of the report into the funding of UK based terror networks as she was selling weapons to the Saudis in April?
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