The dam has finally broken in Kansas, where GOP legislators are finally saying "no" to GOP Gov. Sam Brownback's Koch-inspired public sector destruction, so keep a close eye on Wisconsin, where our own slash-and-burn GOP Gov. and perpetual candidate Scott Walker has lost control of his budget and is facing open revolt in the Assembly.
The GOP-controlled legislature has its own strain of Walker fatigue syndrome; whether Democrats can exert any real control of the situation is at best unclear, and as I said the other day, it's not known which services Walker and then Legislature will cut to fund the road expansions to which all these special-interest directed Republicans are deeply bound.
But as the Kansas indicates, sometimes these GOP public-sector killers go too far and opportunities for progress arise which not much earlier had seemed impossible.
The GOP-controlled legislature has its own strain of Walker fatigue syndrome; whether Democrats can exert any real control of the situation is at best unclear, and as I said the other day, it's not known which services Walker and then Legislature will cut to fund the road expansions to which all these special-interest directed Republicans are deeply bound.
But as the Kansas indicates, sometimes these GOP public-sector killers go too far and opportunities for progress arise which not much earlier had seemed impossible.