After The Fall Of Mosul The Next Target Will Be Tal Afar and Stripes: Tal Afar Next in Pressing ISIS After Mosul Victory: Townsend

Tal Afar will be targeted next in the roll-up of remaining ISIS enclaves in Iraq following victory in the terror group's last major stronghold of Mosul, Army Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend said Tuesday.

Townsend, the U.S. coalition commander for Iraq and Syria, said he could not confirm reports that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who proclaimed the creation of a "caliphate" in Mosul's Al Nuri grand mosque in June 2014, had been killed.

"I don't have a clue, simple as that," he said of the most recent report of Baghdadi's possible death from the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights, a monitoring group based in London.

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Update #1: Islamic State moves to alternative headquarters in Tal Afar (Iraqi News)
Update #2: Iraqi Forces to Focus on Liberating Tal Afar (Washington Free Beacon)

WNU Editor: With the fall of Mosul .... the expectation is that many of these cities are going to fall quickly.

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