Yesterday I met a taxi driver called Rob who told me about two experiences he had had regarding the deaths of relatives.
1. Rob's female cousin, Mary, was seriously ill in hospital, in Preston, in England.
During the night, Rob woke up and briefly saw a figure at the foot of his bed.
The figure looked like Mary.
Rob guessed that Mary had died and had come to visit him.
Very shortly afterwards, Rob was informed by phone that Mary had died.
2. Rob's father, unlike Rob himself, constantly used wooden toothpicks.
Rob's father died.
Rob then found a wooden toothpick in his pocket.
Rob disposed of the toothpick.
Soon afterwards, Rob found another toothpick in his pocket.
More toothpicks appeared as the days progressed.
Rob took this as a sign that his father was still around.
Rob told me that these experiences helped to make him more at ease with the world.
Recently I met a man called Bob who had had an out of body experience.
Bob, as a youth, was big and strong.
While at school, Bob encountered a Catholic priest who had been physically and sexually abusing a fellow pupil.
Bob beat the priest up.
The priest developed Alzheimer's disease.
Bob told the priest that he hoped he would die in agony.
Some time later Bob had a heart attack and was taken unconscious to a hospital.
While in the operating theatre, at 3am, Bob found himself looking down at his body.
He could also see his late father, who told him that he was going to be OK.
At 3am, Bob's mother, who was at home, had a vision of her late husband.
While unconscious and looking down at his body, Bob could see the pretty female doctor who was treating him.
After being healed, Bob encountered the pretty female doctor and he told her of his experience.
The female doctor said that other patients had had similar experiences.
Dr Rajiv Parti
Dr Rajiv Parti has written a book, Dying To Wake Up, about his out of body experience.
DR RAJIV PARTI owned a mansion and drove a Porsche.
He shouted at his son a lot.
He was often unsympathetic to his patients.
Then he went into hospital as a patient and had an out of body experience.
He writes: "one evening, just two weeks after my fifth operation, I suddenly felt faint."
In the operating theatre he felt hiself "zooming straight up, as if in a lift...
"I could see the ceiling approaching, its glossy surface slowly getting closer.
"Then I looked down and saw my own abdomen, now with several incisions...
"Eventually, though, I relaxed, watching in rapt amazement as the surgeons and nurses worked on my body...
"I was still in the operating theatre, but at the same time I could see my mother and sister sitting on a sofa in our family home, thousands of miles away in New Delhi...
"To my right, I heard screams of pain and anguish...
"I knew then that I was on the lip of hell...
"A voice spoke to me telepathically.
"'You have led a materialistic and selfish life,' it said.
"I knew that was true, and felt ashamed. Over the years, I'd lost empathy for my patients.
"Standing on the rim of hell, I remembered a woman who'd come to my clinic for treatment...
"'I'd love to talk to you,' I said, writing out a prescription for pain-killers and sleeping pills. 'But I have several patients waiting' ...
"I had trained myself to think only of myself...
"I thought of my possessions and how meaningless they were...
"There seemed no way out, but I prayed for one anyway...
"Almost at that instant, I did get my second chance - in the form of the last person I ever expected to see.
"It was my father.
"I recognised him immediately, though he looked at least 30 years younger than when he'd died.
"He took my hand in his and led me away from the edge of hell, as if I were still a little boy.
"Then, putting his arm around me, my father tried to comfort me - and it was the first time I could remember him touching me affectionately...
"I was still afraid that my father was going to beat me, just as he had so many times in my childhood...
"My father, my cruel and despotic father, was spiritually rescuing me from hell! I looked into his eyes, and my hard heart melted with love.
"No words came from his mouth, but for the first time I learned from him that his own father had abused him, just as he'd abused me.
"'Anger,' my father told me, 'isn’t usually about an event. It's passed on from father to son. If you know that, you can stop it; you can choose not to be angry.
"'Simple love is the most important thing in the universe.'"
Dr Rajiv and his father entered a tunnel.
"I recognised my grandfather, who gave me a look of sheer joy. 'Love is the most important thing there is,' he told me. Then both he and my father simply faded away...
"I found myself high above a green meadow, peppered with rose bushes. Just the sweet smell of the grass and roses made me almost delirious with pleasure...
"We travelled on to a higher plane...
"At the highest level, you are surrounded by a powerful energy that consists of pure love and intelligence - the underlying fabric of everything in the universe.
"Enlightenment comes ... when a person realises that love is everywhere and is the only thing that matters...."
After recovering, Dr Parti got rid of his expensive cars and sold his mansion.
He set up a new practice to heal people through meditation and other alternative methods.
His son now has a close relationship with the father he once feared.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.
Life After Death