Report: Are President Trump's Family Using Their Connections To Him To Help Their Businesses?

666 Fift Avenue, New York City. Wikimapia

The Intercept: Jared Kushner Tried And Failed To Get A Half-Billion-Dollar Bailout For His Company From Qatar

NOT LONG BEFORE a major crisis ripped through the Middle East, pitting the United States and a bloc of Gulf countries against Qatar, Jared Kushner’s real estate company had unsuccessfully sought a critical half-billion-dollar investment from one of the richest and most influential men in the tiny nation, according to three well-placed sources with knowledge of the near transaction.

Kushner is a senior adviser to President Trump, and also his son-in-law, and also the scion of a New York real estate empire that faces an extreme risk from an investment made by Kushner in the building at 666 Fifth Avenue, where the family is now severely underwater.

Qatar is facing an ongoing blockade led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and joined by Egypt and Bahrain, which President Trump has taken credit for sparking. Kushner, meanwhile, has reportedly played a key behind-the-scenes role in hardening the U.S. posture toward the embattled nation.

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WNU editor: The Clintons were accused of using their foundation for "pay to play" .... one can make the case here that the Kushner family are doing the same thing but via through their real-estate holdings. For those who may not know .... I know a little bit about real-estate .... the building at 666 Fifth Avenue is not worth the $1.2 billion interest-only mortgage that is due in February 2019 .... and if there is a downturn in the New York City market .... which is very possible .... it will be worth less. Jared Kushner may be married to Ivanka Trump, be an adviser to the President as well as having his ear .... but he may end up being worth far less by the time of the next election cycle.

Hat tip to Fred for this link.

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