TRUMP; SCOUTS; SCOTT LIVELY; TILLERSON; non, non, rien n'a changé

1937 National Scout Jamboree, Washington.

What Donald trump did not say to the 2017 Boy Scout Jamboree in West Virginia -

"You all know that Scouting's Gay Founder was Robert Baden-Powell.

"Some people have called Baden-Powell a GAY FASCIST."

Donald Trump did not mention Roy Cohn or Jeffrey Epstein.


Nothing has changed?


"German Scouting flourished until 1934-35, when nearly all associations were closed and their members had to join the Hitler Youth."

Scott Lively has spoken about boy scouts.


"Scott Lively became an alcoholic at the age of 12, an addiction he attributes as a means to cope with an unhappy family situation.

"When Lively was 16, his father was committed to a mental institution, never to return. 

"After graduating from high school in 1976, Lively spent the next 10 years 'drifting around the United States, often homeless.'"


"Notorious anti-gay political activist Rev. Scott Lively recently opened a coffee shop called 'Holy Grounds' across the street from a high school in Springfield, Massachusetts."

The shop gives free coffee and tea to the kids.

The Springfield Republican newspaper reported on its front page that the shop manager has been arrested for failing to register as a convicted sex offender."

Are some homophobes secretly interested in kids?


 Non, non, rien n'a changé.

Camp Strake

Rex Tillerson is Trump's Secretary of State.

"In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Rex Tillerson spent his summers with the Boy Scouts of America as aquatics director at Camp Strake, about 35 miles north of Houston."

Rex Tillerson

Oilman George Strake, a Catholic, served on the national executive board of the Boy Scouts of America and donated several thousand acres near Conroe to the scouts.

Movers & Shakers of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta .


Rex Tillerson was born in1952, in Wichita Falls, Texas, the son of Patty Sue (née Patton) and Bobby Joe Tillerson.[9] 

"Active in the Boy Scouts of America for most of his life, he earned the rank of Eagle Scout[10] in 1965."

Scott Andreas "Andy" Sims

Andy Sims was a boy scout who disappeared in Wichita Falls in 1961.

Questions linger 47 years after boy vanished in N. Texas.

One person reported seeing someone who matched Andy's description at the Boy Scout Hut near Lake Wichita about 3 p.m. Dec. 9, just a few hours after Andy left his house.

People reported sightings in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri; and investigators followed up on all of those tips, Fox said. The FBI became involved.

Andy was a Tenderfoot the first rank in Scouting and new to Boy Scout Troop 22.

Rex Tillerson likes 'Atlas Shrugged,' Ayn Rand’s novel. 

Tillerson listed it as his favorite book in a 2008 feature for Scouting Magazine, according to biographer Steve Coll.

Ayn Rand, aka Alisa Rosenbaum, was a Jewish fascist.

Ayn Rand supporter Donald Trump fills his cabinet with fans of Ayn Rand.

The Satanist Anton LaVey has acknowledged that his brand of Satanism was "just Ayn Rand’s philosophy with ceremony and ritual added."

The Fountainhead of Satanism

Ayn Rand's first love and mentor was a sadistic serial killer who dismembered little girls.

Ayn Rand's First Love and Mentor.

James A. Baker

James A. Baker, secretary of state under George H.W. Bush, said he recommended his friend RexTillerson to Trump's transition team.

Tillerson family is right at home in Denton County .

Baker blocked the creation of Palestine by threatening to cut funding to agencies in the United Nations.[18]

In 2000, Baker served as chief legal adviser for George W. Bush during the 2000 election campaign and oversaw the Florida recount.

On 9 11, Baker and members of Osama bin Laden's family were at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington DC, for a meeting of the the Carlyle Group.

Baker is Senior Counselor for the Carlyle Group, and the bin Ladens have been among its major investors.

Rex Tillerson, and scouts.

Tillerson has pushed for more free trade agreements.

Tillerson was president of the Boy Scouts of America.

While president, he convinced the Boy Scouts to allow openly gay boys to join.

Rex Tillerson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Rex Tillerson has been the boss of ExxonMobil.

ExxonMobil has close ties to Israel.

"Exxon Mobil (XOM) could stand to gain enormous revenues and profits from a major Middle East conflict, such as the one percolating with Iran and Israel." 

Rex W. Tillerson has addressed the Council on Foreign Relations.

Rex Tillerson is Secretary of State.

Kissinger issued a strong recommendation of Tillerson.

ExxonMobil is the original core of the Rockefeller family wealth.

Both Tillerson and Kissinger are Trustees of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), along with Zbigniew Brzezinski and Leon Panetta.

Trump the Back Door Man for Henry A. Kissinger & Co

Rex W. Tillerson has addressed the Council on Foreign Relations.

Tillerson calls Putin a regional and international threat who should be countered with 'a proportional show of force.'


Tillerson rejects a ban on Muslim immigrants and calls the United States' commitment to NATO 'inviolable'.



16 Antigay Leaders Exposed as Gay or Bi. / The Right-Wing's 20 Biggest Sex Hypocrites


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