"There were a number of politicians close to Margaret Thatcher at the heart of Gov’t who were utterly unscrupulous and using any means available to them, including the gross abuse of their positions, to line their own pockets.
"There were some politicians who were known to be abusing young boys and rather more who were using the services of rent boys slightly under the then age of consent..."
Wheels Within Wheels
"The Labour Party stood by impotent – they couldn't blow the whistle, because so many of their MPs had been Councillors on the London boroughs overseeing the ‘services’ in which the children were sexually abused and then trafficked..."
"I have mentioned that some people who later made it big in New Labour actually worked as social workers themselves in those Councils, such as Tessa Jowell and Janet Boateng."
"Ken Livingstone was busy in the area as well and served as MP for Brent East (1987-2001).
The Ken who led the GLC when so many of the kids in it’s care were abused on Ken’s patch or exported to children’s homes in north Wales to be abused."