President Trump Is In A Cemetery According To The Latest North Korean Propaganda Film

FOX News: North Korea’s latest propaganda puts Trump in cemetery

President Trump is pictured looking out over a Guam graveyard cluttered with crosses in a photoshopped image from the newest propaganda film -- and grim warning -- from North Korea.

The regime followed the video with a statement posted through its KCNA news agency, saying Trump "spouted rubbish" and frequently tweeted about "weird articles of his ego-driven thoughts" and attacking South Korea's "puppy-like" Defense Minister Song Young-moo for "pinning hope on that mad guy."

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WNU Editor: According to US Sec. of State Tillerson, this is North Korean restraint .... Rex Tillerson praises North Korea for 'restraint' while its state-run media mocks President Trump's Twitter habits (NYDaily News).

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