Walker meaker & weaker than Ryan, Cruz, others #Charlottesville

On Twitter, Walker weighs in as weakly as did Trump #Charlottesville:

*  Sen. Cruz:

I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute today's grotesque act of domestic terrorism.

*  Sen. Marco Rubio: 

Very important for the nation to hear describe events in for what they are, a terror attack by

Our hearts are with today's victims. White supremacy is a scourge. This hate and its terrorism must be confronted and defeated.
Then were there was our Governor who likes to call himself big and bold.

Gov. Walker:

We should all condemn the violence and hate in Charlottesville, VA.
But hey, he's preoccupied.

Two tweets back to back right after his Charlottesville nothing-burger tweet:

  1. Great times at , go !
  2. At tonight with friends cheering on the !

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