Ms Kim says there is no way to deal with Kim Jong-un. (Reuters: KCNA)
ABC News Online: North Korean uprising the only way to deal with Kim Jong-un, undercover writer says
The only way to solve the Korean crisis is to remove the regime, says a South Korean-born US writer who spent six months undercover in North Korea.
Suki Kim worked in North Korea teaching English at a university for the ruling class, later writing a book about her experience, called Without You, There Is No Us: Undercover among the Sons of North Korea's Elite.
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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 7, 2017
Chances of second Korean War between 20 and 25 per cent -- Kevin Rudd, Sydney Morning Herald
South Korea Is Right -- Peter Beinart, Defense One/The Atlantic
Israel Has a Playbook for Dealing With North Korea -- Zev Chafets, Bloomberg
Seoul deploys anti-missile system; US seeks tougher sanctions -- Christine Kim and Michelle Nichols, Asia Times
Trump Is Treating Pakistan Like a Scapegoat for America's Failures in Afghanistan -- Abdul Basit, National Interest
China drags Indonesia into South China Sea morass -- John McBeth, Asia Times
Cambodia’s Dying Democracy -- Elliot Brennan, Lowy Institute
Opportunity for ISIS as Sinai Civilians Sour on Cairo -- Rob Richer, The Cipher Brief
The US Is Far More Deeply Involved In Syria Than You Know -- Borzou Daragahi, BuzzFeed
Russia seeks to close Ukraine’s window to the west -- Jeffrey Mankoff and Jonathan Hillman, Financial Times
Why Merkel will win a fourth term -- Nicholas Bloom, CAPX
Why Guatemala Is Teetering on Crisis -- Devon Haynie, US News and World Report
Argentina have ‘ceased to be a capable military force’ -- Tom Dunlop, UKDefenceJournal
Two Cheers for Brazil on Its Independence Day -- Mac Margolis, Bloomberg
Trump Should Go to War with Venezuela's Coffers, Not Its Military -- Alvaro Vargas Llosa, National Interest