Erwin Schrödinger

Erwin Schrödinger was an Austrian scientist who won a Nobel Prize.

Schrödinger had an unorthodox view of 'God'.

Schrödinger imagined a cat, unseen, in a box .

According to quantum mechanics the cat may be both dead and alive until the box is opened and the cat is observed.

According to Schrödinger, the mind of the person who opens the box decides if the cat is alive or dead.

In other words, mind creates matter.

In other words, the mind can tune into Heaven or Hell.


Erwin Schrödinger had a lifelong interest in the Vedanta philosophy of Hinduism, and in Budhism and in Christianity.

He said: "We living beings all belong to one another, we are all actually members or aspects of a single Being, which we may in western terminology call God, while in the Upanishads it is called Brahman."

He saw the possibility that individual consciousness is a part of one big consciousness pervading the universe. [22]

Erwin Schroedinger On God

Erwin Schrödinger said: "We do not belong to this material world that science constructs for us.

"We are not in it; we are outside."

How is it possible .

In other words, it is the mind and not the body that is important.

Erwin Schrödinger wrote about Nirvan and Karma and the 'Self'.

Hindus and Buddhists disagree about 'God'.

Vedanta Hindus teach that our soul, when purified, returns to 'God'.

Buddhists teach that Nirvana is something beyond our understanding.

"The Buddhist Nirvana is not the primordial ground, the eternal essence, which is at the basis of everything and form which the whole world has arisen - the Brahman of the Upanishads...

"The Buddhist Nirvana is something altogether different which must be characterized as a nothing in relation to the world, but which is experienced as highest bliss by those who have attained to it..."

Vedanta and Buddhism .

Erwin Schrödinger said: "Nirvana is a state of pure blissful knowledge...

"It has nothing to do with the individual.

"The ego or its separation is an illusion. 

"Indeed in a certain sense two "I"'s are identical namely when one disregards all special contents - their Karma. 

"The goal of man is to preserve his Karma and to develop it further. 

"When man dies his Karma lives and creates for itself another carrier."

Erwin Schrodinger .


How do you tune into Nirvana / Paradise / Heaven?

You switch off the selfish ego.


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