An homage to Johnny Carson's "Carnac the Magician" routine. First the answer, His 2018 election campaign needs a fresh, sweet frame.
The Question: Why is Walker promoting a possible spring Foxconn ground-breaking when it has been reported; a) the eventual project site will need "around twelve months" for the drafting and approval of an application to obtain diverted water from Lake Michigan, and b) it has been reported that the project faces significant environmental, legal and constitutional challenges?
Further question: Will someone pass him the lemons should the deal really sour?
Shorter question: Does the Governor's Mansion do self-serve lemonade?
The Question: Why is Walker promoting a possible spring Foxconn ground-breaking when it has been reported; a) the eventual project site will need "around twelve months" for the drafting and approval of an application to obtain diverted water from Lake Michigan, and b) it has been reported that the project faces significant environmental, legal and constitutional challenges?
Further question: Will someone pass him the lemons should the deal really sour?
Shorter question: Does the Governor's Mansion do self-serve lemonade?