So Governor Smarty Pants used his awesome veto slash the Wisconsin Elections Commission staff - - a bad idea on its face:
Now we learn that Wisconsin's voting system was among those the federal government knew and has disclosed which Russia tried to hack.
And when we learn those efforts were broader, perhaps successful - - or should the Russians discover that Wisconsin's short-sighted Governor has made the state easier pickings for hackers by turning things over to temp staffers - - who do we call for action? Brad Schimel?
Walker also said Wednesday that he’s axing funding to fill five vacant positions on the state Elections Commission because the commission “has been operating effectively with fewer staff.”
Instead of hiring more staffers, the commission should manage peak workload periods “by hiring limited term employees or contractors, as they did during the 2016 presidential election,” Walker wrote.
And when we learn those efforts were broader, perhaps successful - - or should the Russians discover that Wisconsin's short-sighted Governor has made the state easier pickings for hackers by turning things over to temp staffers - - who do we call for action? Brad Schimel?