Walker's war on fair wages rolls right along.
He started it in 2011 with his punitive, sneaky and partisan Act 10 divide-and-conquer attack on public employees - - "dropped the bob," was his uncharacteristically honest description - - then continued his offensive in 2015 by signing wage-depressing 'right-to-work' legislation in which he'd earlier feigned disinterest, and will expand again in a week, perhaps two, when he signs the final two-year spending plan approved by the budget-writing committee along party-lines Tuesday evening which slashes family-supporting blue-collar wages paid on state road-building projects.
That's how you take a small step towards balancing a debt-ridden, overly-commuted major highway building binge which Walker has been pushing since 2003 - - by shrinking construction workers' take home pay just as he drained public employees' earnings through Act 10 six years ago.
While legislators in our low-wage-state-by-designb have raised their own pay and boosted tax-free, honor-system expense accounts.
As Walker might put it, working people in Wisconsin can go suck lemons.

He started it in 2011 with his punitive, sneaky and partisan Act 10 divide-and-conquer attack on public employees - - "dropped the bob," was his uncharacteristically honest description - - then continued his offensive in 2015 by signing wage-depressing 'right-to-work' legislation in which he'd earlier feigned disinterest, and will expand again in a week, perhaps two, when he signs the final two-year spending plan approved by the budget-writing committee along party-lines Tuesday evening which slashes family-supporting blue-collar wages paid on state road-building projects.
That's how you take a small step towards balancing a debt-ridden, overly-commuted major highway building binge which Walker has been pushing since 2003 - - by shrinking construction workers' take home pay just as he drained public employees' earnings through Act 10 six years ago.
While legislators in our low-wage-state-by-designb have raised their own pay and boosted tax-free, honor-system expense accounts.
As Walker might put it, working people in Wisconsin can go suck lemons.