'Divisive and unrealistic': Anti-racism ad from Human Rights Commission showing white businessman shutting African woman out of lift sparks outrage online

This is just race hate: Hate of white people by Leftists in the HRC. Much to the frustration of the Left, Australia is a very laid  back place and people are treated by the way they behave themselves without regard to race. Different races go about their lives every day without any racial friction.  In my entire life I have seen nothing like the nonsense described below.  But I do EVERY DAY see large numbers of interactions between people of different races that are perfectly civil

A new anti-racism campaign launched by the Human Rights Commission has sparked outrage online. One of the 30 second videos, titled 'Elevator - Racism. It stops with me', has been heavily criticised, with people calling it 'divisive and unrealistic'.

Conservative radio and television broadcaster Paul Murray posted a link to the video on his Facebook page.

Murray's caption read: 'Not a sketch, not a joke. THIS is what HRC thinks 'White Men' do in lifts. What rubbish!

The video shows a white businessman in a suit politely letting a white woman enter a lift in an office building before him.

Then he spots a woman of African background running for the same lift, but instead of giving her the same treatment he tries to stop her from entering.

The horrified white woman steps out of the lift, and both of them stare at the businessman in disgust as the words 'Racism. It stops with me' appear.

Social media users were scathing in their responses to the video.  'I am angry that tax dollars have been wasted on such puerile, infantile rubbish,' wrote one person.

'In over 25 years in the workforce working with people of many ethnicities I rarely see anything like this. In fact I feel the HRC discriminate against white males.'

'Maybe she works in his office and every day she steals his yoghurt from the fridge that he specifically writes his name on, so he didn't want to hold the lift for her? Now he looks like the bad guy!' wrote another.

Others wrote they have never experienced being in a situation like the one portrayed in the ad.

'I'm dark skinned and this has NEVER EVER happened to me in my 45 years. The divisiveness from this mob is truly breathtaking,' said a female commenter.

'As a brown skinned female who is 52 years old, I have never experienced any form of racism in my life,' said another.

'It's like the progressives need to invent problems because they can't find any real ones.

The Human Rights Commission said the videos 'depict casual racism in the workplace and the provision of goods and services'.

Australia's Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane said the videos, called Community Service Announcements, will be broadcast on national TV.

'Racism frequently occurs at work and while people are doing everyday things such as catching a bus, riding a train, or flagging a taxi,' Dr Soutphommasane said.

'This might come as a surprise to Australians who tend to think that racism is a thing of the past. But independent research and the experiences of many people tells us otherwise.

'We'd like to get people thinking about what they can do to help put a stop to racism.

'We hope these CSAs help create a culture where people are able to identify racism and have the confidence to respond appropriately and safely,' he said.

The elevator video, along with a similar one showing a racist taxi driver, will be shown on free-to-air television over the next two months.

The HRC said a woman of African background was chosen because independent research has found 'people with an African background frequently experience racism at work or while using public services such as transport'.


Thousands turn out across Australia to protest against Carmichael coal mine after controversial $16 billion project was given the green light

This is a long-planned Greenie activity.  The problems they are protesting about are imaginary.  It is just a way of getting publicity for themselves.  There is nothing spontaneous or grass-roots about it

Thousands of people gathered across Australia to protest a coal mine in North Queensland on Saturday.

Protesters in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and the Gold Coast rallied against Indian company Adani's plans for the mine in the Galilee Basin.

The protests were part of Stop Adani group's 'big day of protest', with 45 rallies across the nation.

The $16 billion coal mine was given the green light earlier this year, with pre-planning construction set to begin next month.

Organisers believe around 1500 people attended a protest on Bondi Beach, using their bodies to spell out '#StopAdani' on the sand.

Protesters in Melbourne's Princes Park followed suit, with many also running through 'Stop Adani' flags wearing 'Team Reef' shirts.

A further 2,000 protesters packed the Melbourne park carrying placards which read 'Protect our Future'.

The rallies also featured protesters wearing over-sized masks of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Adani founder Gautam Adani.

Nine hundred people are believed to have taken part in a Newtown rally, while protesters took to the lawns of Parliament House in Canberra with large banners against the coal mine.

CEO of 350.org, a group that opposes new coal, oil and gas projects, Blair Palese, said both governments were not listening to the public.

'While the Queensland and Federal governments remain staunch supporters of this dirty mine, new polling shows the Australian community is angry that $1 billion of public money could be handed to Adani for a mine which will wreck the climate and the Reef,' he told The Sydney Morning Herald.

'Voters are clear. They believe the Queensland government should stick to its promise and block the $1 billion loan to billionaire Adani for his private rail line.'

A ReachTEL poll, released on Saturday by the Stop Adani movement, shows 56 per cent of Australians oppose the coal project.

The construction of the mine, if it is given a green light, will be the largest in Australia.

Opponents to the mine believe it will damage the already ravaged Great Barrier Reef and bring environmental harm to the area.

Both State and Federal governments have defended the proposed mine, which promises to bring much-needed jobs back to far North Queensland.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said while the mine will help many families seeking employment, Adani will be held to 'the toughest environmental conditions'.

'You only have to travel to regional Queensland to understand what this project means to thousands of families out there that will be employed through this project,' she said.

'At the end of the day we have the toughest environmental conditions attached to that mine.' 


Now we have slower internet than KENYA: Australian broadband speeds are worse than African and former Soviet nations

And all because of Kevin Rudd. Australias's former Leftist Prime Minister. Fibre broadband was the only idea he had so he launched a hugely expensive white elephant despite many warnings of problems with it.  It is his baby.  Australia already had two perfectly good cable networks which cost the taxpayer nothing and had long ago been paid for

Australian broadband speeds are slower than Africa and former Soviet nations, research has found.  The country's internet speed is behind Kenya, and former Soviet nations including Latvia and Lithuania.

The news comes after it was revealed the NBN network cost taxpayers a whopping $49 billion since it was rolled out eight years ago, Bloomberg reports.

Australia's average speed was recorded at 10.01 mbps, seven megabits behind the USA which was ranked at 13th with 17.2mbps, the Akamai State of the Internet report found.

According to Bloomberg, thousands of customers who switched to the network have complained about the slow download speeds.

Telecommunication ombudsman received a total of 7,512 of complaints from June to December last year, which was double than the same corresponding period in 2015.

However, the network has defended the increase in complaints adding that it was because the number of people using the service had risen.

Retailers have also joined the bandwagon and complained that they were slapped with higher fees when subscribing to the network.

A Sydney-based telecommunication expert Paul Budde told Bloomberg: 'We are really an example of how not to do it.' 'We have ended up with the worst possible solution.'

A NBN spokesperson told Daily Mail Australia: 'The citing of Kenya underlines how misleading the Akamai rankings can be, Kenya has fixed broadband penetration to only around 10 percent of its population - principally served with FTTP (fiber to the premises).

'We are providing broadband to 100 percent of the Australian population.

'This means that a small number of people get very high speeds whilst others get nothing at all and yet their overall ranking is higher as only the small number of high speed lines get measured,' the spokesperson said.


Media release: "Jobs announcement smoke and mirrors, Great Barrier Reef is what matters"

Imogen Zethoven has been a Greenie stirrer almost forever so can be relied on to tell only one side of the story.  She does a lot of that below with her remarks on reef bleaching etc.  A real zinger is "Coal kills coral".  I'd like to see evidence of that

QUEENSLANDERS are being urged not lose sight of what really matters: protecting our Great Barrier Reef and all those who rely on it, in the wake of another public promise by giant coal corporation Adani.

According to media reports, Adani plans to announce an intention to set up fly-in fly-out worker hubs in Townsville and Rockhampton despite not yet having secured finance for its destructive and controversial Carmichael mine.

Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) Fight For Our Reef Campaign Director Imogen Zethoven said the priority of the state and federal governments should be on protecting our Great Barrier Reef and the 64,000 workers who depend on its health, not propping up a billion-dollar international company intent on damaging it further.

“We are experiencing record temperatures, year upon year. We’ve witnessed mass coral bleachings, both this year and last. Coal kills coral – it’s as simple as that. If this mega-mine goes ahead it will produce billions of tonnes of pollution, which will only worsen what is already a critical situation for our iconic Reef.

“It’s not too late to protect our beautiful Reef, but we must give up the fantasy that we can keep mining and burning coal with no consequences.”

Ms Zethoven said switching to renewable energy and storage would deliver clean, cheap and reliable power while creating long, term sustainable jobs for the regions.

“North Queensland is already at the heart of Australia’s renewables boom – this is the future of our great state, not coal. Australians want and deserve local jobs that are long-term, secure, and which don’t cost the earth.”

The Great Barrier Reef generates $6 billion each year and sustains 64,000 jobs.

From: fightforourreef.org.au

Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).    For a daily critique of Leftist activities,  see DISSECTING LEFTISM.  To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don't forget your daily roundup  of pro-environment but anti-Greenie  news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH .  Email me  here

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