Still, as predicted, the documents themselves were pretty much pointless. We know pretty much what we did before about the Kennedy assassination, and the whole thing was a stupid, pointless, Trumpian spectacle, like everything Trump-related. Unfortunately, that's basically America right now. Yay, us! U-S-A! U-S-A!
And while this was happening, two important things happened in Congress. First, they passed a budget resolution, which is the procedural hurdle for the Republicans' tax cut plan. Remember that the GOP's plan is to use "budget reconciliation" because budget reconciliation bills have a built-in time limit for debate. That means no cloture vote is necessary to end debate, so no filibusters. With budget reconciliation, the majority party can pass bills in the Senate with 51 votes (50 plus the VP, when they have him, which they do). Using budget reconciliation requires passing a budget resolution first, which is just a procedural vote, but the procedural vote contains the general contours of a budget plan, and that agreement indicates general agreement on a plan going forward.
Remember, there are a lot of different taxes that could be cut, and there is a limit on how much the Republicans have decided to cut. This is a zero-sum exercise. More corporate tax cuts mean fewer income tax cuts. More estate tax cuts mean fewer capital gains tax cuts, and so forth. Once the GOP puts a cap on total deficit increases within the resolution, they start fighting each other, which they have, and that's why it's kind of a challenge. But, they passed the budget resolution, and they are highly likely to pass some set of tax cuts, after pulling out their guns, and having a really tense standoff, Quentin Tarantino-style. (Or, I guess, Hong Kong-style, if you want to call Tarantino a rip-off).
The other thing: I've been writing periodically about the Alexander-Murray "plan" to restore the cost-sharing subsidies to the health insurance companies, which Trump cut off a little while ago in one of his snits. I've been pretty uncertain about its future. Orrin Hatch-- a guy who used to tout his friendship and ability to cooperate with Ted Kennedy-- is now putting together a purely Republican counterproposal. Alexander-Murray is now probably dead.
First, you need to know about Orrin Hatch. He really did used to be a bipartisan kind of guy. Conservative, yes, but bipartisan. He really did used to work with Ted Kennedy. He'd never be stupid enough to get in the passenger seat of a car with Ted Kennedy, 'cuz... well... Chappa-fuckin'-quiddick! (No, never forget that Ted Kennedy murdered a woman in a drunk driving incident and got way with it because in America, we don't punish people named "Kennedy"). Orrin Hatch doesn't do anything bipartisan anymore. Why not? Two words: "Bob," and, "Bennett." Those words really shouldn't have much relevance to any politician outside the state of Utah, but Orrin Hatch is the Senior Republican Senator from... Utah!
What's the deal with Utah, aside from beautiful scenery and, um... mormons? (No further comment...) Utah has some unique nominating rules. In order to get onto the primary ballot, your party nominating convention has to put you there. Bob Bennett pissed off his party elders by collaborating with a Democratic Senator (Ron Wyden from Oregon) on... healthcare! So, back in 2010, the Utah GOP yanked his name from the primary ballot! That's how Mike Lee got into the Senate. People who don't actually understand electoral rules and processes will list Bob Bennett as a guy who lost a primary for not being a pure conservative, but he didn't lose a primary. His name was yanked from the primary ballot by Utah's bizarre electoral rules.
The same rules that constrain Orrin Hatch. And now, on healthcare, Orrin Hatch is doing what all those conservative Utah mormons do: teabaggin' like a pro! This is the same guy who used to brag about his ability to work with Ted Kennedy. Coincidence? Nope. There was a clear point at which Orrin Hatch... let's say "transitioned." 2010. Bob Bennett. That incident scared the fucking shit out of Orrin Hatch.
And there's more going on here. Remember Graham-Cassidy? Immediately after "skinny repeal" failed, Patty Murray and Lamar Alexander started working on bipartisan fixes to Obamacare. Then, when it looked like Graham-Cassidy might have a chance to pass, Lamar Alexander cut off negotiations with Patty Murray to try to give Graham-Cassidy that chance. Why? Because he's a backstabbing sack of fucking shit. Bipartisanship is a last resort for him. He'll choose partisanship if he has an option.
Orrin Hatch is trying to create that option now. If Orrin Hatch's plan starts gaining any momentum at all, Lamar Alexander will do exactly what he did before. Stab Patty Murray in the back like the rat fucking bastard he is.
When Alexander started talking to Murray again, I made a comment about how puzzled I was that Murray was willing to trust him in this post. Don't fucking trust him, Murray. He stabbed you in the back before, and he'll do it again. If Hatch gets any momentum for a partisan plan, Alexander will do exactly what he did with Graham-Cassidy. He'll shut down negotiations with you and work on a partisan plan.
This is the stuff that matters. The JFK document nonsense? Distraction. Don't get distracted. It is easy and tempting. I fall prey to it myself on a regular basis, but important things are happening, and Trump is such a shit-show that it is hard to turn away, but more important things are happening.