Will It Take Three Decades To Build A 355 Ship U.S. Navy?

USNI News: 355-Ship Navy Could Take More Than Three Decades to Build, Acting Navy Under Secretary Says

Chances are the Navy’s leaders of a proposed 355-ship fleet have not even finished high school yet, according to Pentagon estimates.

“It’s going to take a long time and it’s going to take a lot of money,” said Thomas Dee, acting Under Secretary of the Navy.

“We can be on the mark by mid-century.”

Some estimates made by think tanks and the Congressional Budget Office have suggested a 355-ship Navy could be achieved faster, but Dee sounded skeptical the goal could be reached in less than three decades. Speaking Wednesday at the NDIA Expeditionary Warfare Conference in Annapolis, Dee said even if Congress added billions of dollars to the Navy’s annual budgets, perhaps a 355-ship fleet would be built by the mid to late 2040s.

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WNU Editor: Three decades?!?!?!

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