Would A North Korean EMP Attack On The U.S. Kill 90 Per Cent Of Its Population?

Our civilisation — and our lives — is only as resilient as our power grid, insists a US nuclear warfare expert.Source:Supplied

News.com.au: This is the apocalypse North Korea wants to unleash

DAY Zero: the lights go out, planes fall from the sky. Year One: 90 per cent of the US population is dead. This could be the nightmare of a North Korean attack.

IT wouldn’t happen overnight. But it could happen.

A new report to the US Congress warns one or two nuclear weapons detonated high in the atmosphere above the country would — within a few months and years — lead to the death of 90 per cent of the country’s population.

It’s a worst-case post-apocalyptic nightmare scenario common to computer games and movies.

Nothing would work anymore.

Society would collapse.

The rule of the gun will replace the rule of law.

And it’s exactly what North Korea has been threatening.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Would an EMP attack on the U.S. kill 90% of its population .... no. I lived through the Montreal ice storm of 1998 where the entire electrical grid collapsed. In my home we had no electricity for 8 days .... and on the last two days the temperature outside was -20C (inside it was around 5C). Some had no power for a month. We all survived. We all did not go hungry. There were no roving bands of marauders outside. What we had was people helping each other .... finding ways to communicate and making ends meet. The same would happen in the U.S. if an EMP wipes out a good part of the grid. Times would be tough for about a year or two .... the world would be in an economic depression and a financial crisis .... but guess what ..... we will survive. Now for the North Koreans .... you can take this to the bank .... they will be experiencing something far worse.

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