The challenge by Pandikar to the opposition is nothing more than a typical Malay/Umno-like race and religion diversion to avoid facing the real issue. Perhaps, his years of indoctrination in Umno and Malaya has honed his politics to mere and hollow race and religion politics and trying to incite division in harmonious Sabah and peace-loving Sabahans.
Pandikar should also quit his hidden agenda to prolong his charade on Sabah rights to attract the attention of his political masters in Kuala Lumpur and stop saying what the leaders there wish to hear.
Sabahans and Sarawakians including the BN-led Government of Sarawak are very clear on their path for the restoration of the rights, privileges and autonomy of the Borneo States. A recent independent survey has found that 67% of Sabahans and Sarawakians wish to have their rights and autonomy returned to their home States.
As far as Article 5A is concerned, it is an invalid amendment and a null and void provision to the extent of its inconsistency with MA63 and the constitutional documents on the formation of the Federation of Malaysia as agreed by the founding fathers.
Regardless of whether Islam remains as the official religion in Malaysia, Sabah will always enjoy freedom of religion as envisaged by the founding fathers. And they are right in insisting on the freedom of religion as a pre-condition for Sabah agreeing to form Malaysia.
Even if his empty race and religion political rhetoric succeeds in getting the support of the Umno masters or even rising to become Chief Minister, he will find himself to be unacceptable to Sabahans generally and will be very unpopular. Unlike the past, Sabahans will no longer accept such a leader to lord over them.
It is very irresponsible for a senior Sabah leader and as the Parliament Speaker to play up racial and religion rhetoric just for the sake of political advancement and political survival.
“Before challenging the opposition leaders, Pandikar should first respond to the issues raised by me and the four (4) questions posed by me earlier” added Dr. Jeffrey.
If Pandikar is sincere about the rights of his homeland, Sabah, he should as the Speaker of Parliament allow the motion to debate on MA63 as well as the rights of Sabah and Sarawak together with a review of the Federal Constitution as set out in MA63 and the IGC Report.
As for Parti Solidariti, and being a coalition partner of Gabungan Sabah, our vision for Sabah and the restoration of Sabah rights as well as its development are clearly spelt out in our 15 Core Struggles.