One day, 5 CAFO hearings, and WI citizens each get 5 minutes to react

On, Wisconsin.

How about, Goodbye, Bucky. 

How low has the bar been dragged for the democratic process  in Wisconsin? 

How dismissive of the general public has the DNR become? 

How beholden is DNR management to big corporations which the agency barely regulates in Scott Walker's 'chamber of commerce mentality' government?

The answers: The bar is on the ground. The public can't be more definitively dissed. And DNR management could not be more deeply in thrall to Walker's donors.

As I noted recently, the DNR was planning, and indeed held today - -  five hearings assembly-line style on CAFO expansion and continuation in CAFO-saturated, manure-soaked, well water-contaminated Kewaunee County.

Five hearings - - on the same day
and, I am told by an attendee, at which the DNR gave people who took time away from their jobs and families a whole five minutes to speak their piece - - one minute per CAFO.

Here's a media account of this intentional procedural disaster.

And, yes, comments can be mailed. And, yes, there is a deadline.

The DNR will accept written public comments through the end of the day Dec. 5. Comments can be submitted to Casey Jones, Oshkosh Service Center, 625 E. County Road Y, Oshkosh, WI, 54901, or

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