Ron Johnson surprise disclosure in tax bill debate

There's an amazing quote from US Sen. Ron Johnson, (R-WI), in the big weekend New York Times story about his opposition to the billionaire-friendly tax cut bills backed by the House or his party's Senate leaders.
Ron Johnson, official portrait, 112th Congress.jpg
No, he didn't come out against lop-sided favors like special tax breaks for private jet owners or foreign investors in US corporations. 

He's not raising the alarm over the billions of dollars in cuts the bills will automatically trigger in domestic spending, Social Security or Medicare, or to the ruinous elimination of deductions for costly nursing home care or similar expenses borne by parents of children with, say, autism or diabetes or MS,

Johnson is OK with all that. 

So far, his only beef with the legislation is that it doesn't give bigger tax cuts to small businesses known in accountant jargon as "pass-throughs" like the one in Oshkosh his in-laws let him help run.

Here's the surprise quote from Johnson:

I just have in my heart a real affinity for these owner-operated pass-throughs,” he said.
He has a heart? This is news; look at the evidence to the contrary:
When Ron Johnson did not stand with abuse victims
Republican Senator calls health care, food and shelter a 'privilege'
To be a "yes," Ron Johnson demands certainty on Medicaid cuts
Johnson's disclosure will force critics to reassess their conclusion about why he  behaves so deplorably towards people of lesser means and power..

It's not because Johnson has a pre-existing condition - - being without heart.

He's actually got Voluntarily-acquired Republican malevolence syndrome, also known as Paul Aynryanism.

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