Sabah Rights Mandate and Sabah Day Motions Before DUN

 KOTA KINABALU - “While the Sarawak Legislative Assembly has tabled and passed unanimously in 2015, the Motion to empower the Sarawak Government to seek the restoration of their Rights in Malaysia, Sabahans have been anxiously waiting for their Sabah lawmakers to adopt a similar resolution,” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Bingkor Assemblyman and President of Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku, in a statement released today.

“Their waiting may be over as I have, on behalf of Sabahans, submitted two (2) Motions for debate at the forthcoming DUN session starting on 20 November 2017” added Dr. Jeffrey.   They are:-

(1)    Bahawasanya Kerajaan Sabah digesa dengan segeranya mengambil segala tindakan yang perlu diambil untuk melaksanakan dan menunaikan segala Hak-Hak Sabah dalam Malaysia serta Akujanji-Akujanji dan  Jaminan-Jaminan termasuk Hak Pemberian dan Hasil Tambahan Menurut Artikel 112C, 112D dan Jadual Ke-10 Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Dibawah Artikel VIII Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 seperti yang dipersetujui semasa pembentukan Malaysia dan dalam dokumen-dokumen yang berkenaan termasuk Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Lapuran IGC, Batu Sumpah bersama-sama segala dokumen, memorandum, perjanjian, jaminan, akujanji dan syor yang berkenaan dan berkaitan.

(2)    Bahawasanya Kerajaan Sabah digesa dengan segeranya mengambil segala tindakan yang perlu diambil untuk mengikhtiraf dan menghormati 31hb. Ogos 2017 sebagai Hari Kemerdekaan Sabah dan diwartakan sebagai Hari Cuti Umum untuk Sabah.

It has been widely said that the difference between the actions taken by the Sarawak government and the Sabah counterparts is the presence of UMNO in Sabah. 

In Sarawak, not only has its Legislative Assembly adopted the motion empowering the Sarawak government, their government itself have moved on in attempting to seek the restoration of their Rights in Malaysia.   As part, the federal government have agreed to grant autonomy to them in 13 matters.

In comparison, the reluctance of the Umno-led Sabah government can be attributable to at least two (2) reasons, the presence and subservient attitude of Sabah Umno leaders to their political masters in Kuala Lumpur, and the presence of toothless and powerless BN components who have no say in the power structure and equation in Sabah.

As a result, the Sabah Umno and BN leaders are spineless and keep parroting the views of their Malayan masters and failing to defend and unable to fight for Sabah Rights.

By the first Motion, if passed by the Assembly, it will empower the Sabah government to take all necessary action to implement and fulfil all the Sabah Rights in Malaysia including the undertakings and assurances as provided in Article VIII of MA63. 

These Rights include the 40% Net Revenue Special Grants and Additional Revenues under the Federal Constitution and other Rights as set out in the Federal Constitution, IGC Report, Batu Sumpah and other documents.

By the second Motion, the Sabah Government should declare and respect 31 August as Sabah Independence Day or Sabah Day and have it gazetted as a Sabah State holiday.

On 8 August 1963, the then North Borneo Legislative Council had already resolved that 31 August 1963 would be declared as the Independence Day with self-government for Sabah irrespective whether Malaysia was formed or not by then.

It is now appropriate for 31 August to be officially adopted as Sabah Day similar to what the Sarawak government had done by declaring 22 July as Sarawak Independence Day or Sarawak Day, and be declared as a Sarawak State holiday.

“I hope that the DUN Speaker will use his power and allow both Motions for debate which will empower the Sabah government to implement and fulfil all of Sabah Rights in Malaysia as well as to recognize 31 August as Sabah Day which are the views and expectations of Sabahans” concluded Dr. Jeffrey.

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