Amber Rudd is the UK government minister in charge of the security service MI5.
More Tory MPs are named in the 'dirty dossier' .
Above we see Peter Rachman's 'double'. The real Peter Rachman, 'a Mossad agent', was 'born Perec Rachman, son of a Jewish dentist, in Lvov, then in Poland, now in the Ukraine.'
Who controls the politicians and carries out the mind-control?
Think of Stephen Ward and his friend Peter Rachman.
Stephen Ward, who disappeared in mysterious circumstances.
Stephen Ward studied at the Kirksville College of Osteopathy and Surgery in Missouri.[3]
He reportedly worked for both the CIA and MI5.
He became the centre of a sex scandal involving top people in the USA and UK.
Reportedly he was involved in mind-control operations organised by the security services.
Stephen Ward was a friend of Peter Rachman, an alleged Mossad agent, who, like Stephen Ward, controlled a number of girls.
One of Stephen Ward's girls Mariella Novotny had sex with J F Kennedy.
The prostitutes that Stephen Ward controlled included girls linked to J F Kennedy, Margaret Thatcher and a number of other people of importance.
Lord Victor Rothschild
Lord Victor Rothschild reportedly had friendly relationships with the KGB, MI5, MI6 and the CIA.
He reportedly pulled the strings of various prime ministers, including Churchill, Heath and Thatcher.
Were elements of the CIA, Mossad, KGB and MI6 working together on the reported mind-control?
Mandy Rice-Davies
One of Ward's girls was Mandy Rice-Davies.
Sven, who knew Mandy Rice-Davies in the 1960s, has written:
Mandy's father was a fighter pilot who died in a plane crash.
Mandy's mother remarried.
Mandy was never a loved child.
Her new father was a ranking policeman who was eventually asked to leave the police as he was found to be a paedophile, who had been abusing Mandy for many years.
Aged 16, Mandy left home and moved to London.
She got a job backing Sammy Davies Jr on arriving in London in 1960.
The Thatchers with Skye McAlpine
Anonymous reports that, in the 1960s, Mandy Rice-Davies and Margaret Thatcher were both part of a women-only cabaret club. Mandy was a stripper.
Silvija commented that Mandy Rice-Davies seems to have been an early model Monarch sex slave used by the security services.
Mandy in Israel with the Israeli army.
Mandy lived for some years in Israel and is suspected of being a friend of Mossad.
Sven, who knew Mandy in the early 1960s, has written that "Mandy was just one of Peter Rachman's girlfriends."
Peter Rachman, who was Jewish, "owned several stripclubs and knew many girls."
Peter Rachman, suspected of being an agent of Mossad, had a double.
Above we see Peter Rachman's 'double'.
Lord Moynihan claimed that three years after Rachman was reported dead he met him at an hotel in Izmir, Turkey, where they had a drink together and reminisced about old times."
Lord Moynihan - Telegraph
Sven has written: "The fat, bald, Rachman wasn't him, but an ex-para he hired to impersonate him. I have no idea how that effected things when the double died..."
"Mandy met Stephen Ward, a good friend of Rachman's, and took to the party scene...
"Mandy visiting us at home...
Mandy eventually moved in with Rachman.
"The real Rachman was tall dark and handsome, with a boyish face, looking no more than 25 or so.
Rachman's friend Begin
"Rachman had fought in Poland with Major Menachem Begin during the war, was captured and survived being in a concentration camp, but it didn't show on the outside.
"He almost looked a wimp on the outside, with that sloppy grin and soft baby eyes.
"On the inside he was a tough as nails.
"Rachman was also sentenced to death in Poland for his hard-handed way of surviving the camp and was hunted by Simon Weisental.
("Peter Rachman ... was an informer to the wartime German authorities," according to T Stokes.)
"Via showbiz Jews I knew I arranged a neutral meeting between the two, and Weisental eventually decided Rachman had only done what any fighting-man had to do and dropped the charges...
"Stephen Ward was working in secret with Roger Hollis, the CIA, and King Olav of Norway. The Mossad were in there too.
"Begin often came over to England to talk to Rachman.
"I'm sure Mandy, and some of the other girls, such as Ronna Ricardo, were part of a secret operation that went awry..."
Mandy and daughter Dana.
"Mandy had 3 daughters with Peter Rachman.
"Rachman got caught doing business for Begin and Israel, swapping drugs for arms, and was in jail in Ireland for 5 years before he could join Mandy in Israel.
"Mandy's marriage to Shaul was a cover.
"She divorced Shaul and rejoined Rachman when he was at last a free man.
"I know his real name. Rachman was an alias he used.
"They moved back to England when their eldest daughter was of military age and at least 2 of the girls studied economics at the LSE."
Nicholas van Hoogstraten, friend of Peter Rachman. HOOGSTRATEN; PEDO RINGS; CIA; ZIMBABWE.
"World War II became increasingly known as Rothschild’s war.
"Government minister Herbert Morrison would leak to certain people such as flamboyant millionaire and Jewish entrepreneur Phil Sher info on the government budget..."
Judy Garland and the Kray Twins, all three of whom may have been mind-controlled. KRAY TWINS BRAINWASHED?.
T. Stokes continues:
"Intercepted radio traffic from the wartime East End to Russia and back, shows the close links between the Soviet apparatus and the Jewish criminal underground...
"Peter Rachman ... was an informer to the wartime German authorities.
"Rachman claimed he inherited his criminal empire from Jack Spot and in turn passed it on to the Kray twins.
(Many thanks to KPatrickRyan and others for the links)

(Many thanks to KPatrickRyan and others for the links)
Horace Dibben and Mariella Novotny (Mariella Novotny)
Mariella Novotny (aka Stella Capes) was a high-class prostitute 'controlled by Stephen Ward in London'. (Mariella Novotny)
"Mariella was part Jewish; she was actually quiet proud of that and spoke Hebrew." (NightHawk: The Czech Night Hawk)
J F Kennedy slept with Novotny.

Stephen Ward, an osteopath whose patients included Winston Churchill, Duncan Sandys, Ava Gardner, Mary Martin and Mel Ferrer. His friends included Prince Philip. His MI5 controller was said to be Keith Wagstaffe. After the Cuban Missile Crisis Ward told Christine Keeler that he believed John F. Kennedy would be assassinated. He told her and Eugene Ivanov: "A man like John Kennedy will not be allowed to stay in such an important position of power in the world, I assure you of that."
Steven Ward reportedly worked for the British security service MI5.
From 1956-65, MI5 was run by Sir Roger Hollis, who was allegedly a Soviet spy.
Soviet intelligence, at that time, shared intelligence with Israel.
Reportedly, Hollis and Ward were part of a spy ring with Sir Anthony Blunt.
Willy Brandt and Ayub Khan are reported to have attended Novotny's parties. (Mariella Novotny)
At times Novotny operated in the USA where allegedly she was used by Lyndon Johnson to blackmail J F Kennedy. (Mariella Novotny)

Lyndon Johnson Was First to Align U.S. Policy With Israel's Policies
In 1978 Novotny announced that she had started work on her autobiography which would include details of her work for MI5.
(Mariella Novotny)
She claimed that her book would include details of a "plot to discredit Jack Kennedy".
Mariella Novotny was found dead in her bed in February 1983.
According to Stephen Dorrel: "Shortly after her death her house was burgled and all her files and large day-to-day diaries from the early sixties to the seventies were stolen." (Mariella Novotny)

Mandy Rice Davies with the Israeli army. Mandy was one of Ward's girls. She converted to Judaism, married an Israeli businessman, Rafi Shauli, and opened nightclubs and restaurants in Tel Aviv. (Mandy Rice-Davies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Her activities in London and the USA were financed by Peter Rachman (Mandy Rice-Davies), who was allegedly a Mossad spy. (Cached)
The Profumo Affair was the scandal involving Ward's girls and a UK government minister called Jack Profumo.
Mandy Rice-Davies was involved in the 'Profumo Affair' but she escaped prosecution.
Several of the other girls died unexpectedly young over the next few years.
(PROFUMO, John - Spy School Bios)
In her autobiography, Mandy (1980) Mandy Rice-Davies described what happened when she arrived at Novotny's party in Bayswater: "The door was opened by Stephen (Ward) - naked except for his socks...
"All the men were naked, the women naked except for wisps of clothing like suspender belts and stockings.
"I recognised our host and hostess, Mariella Novotny and her husband Horace Dibbins, and unfortunately I recognised too a fair number of other faces as belonging to people so famous you could not fail to recognise them: a Harley Street gynaecologist, several politicians, including a Cabinet minister of the day, now dead, who, Stephen told us with great glee, had served dinner of roast peacock wearing nothing but a mask and a bow tie instead of a fig leaf."

Anthony Blunt
According to Anonymous (Scandalous Women: Christine Keeler and the Profumo Affair): "Ronna Ricardo, who I was close to for several years (she was lesbian but liked a cuddle now and again) told me a few things about ritual masonic abuse of children, involving many top people.
"She was involved in supplying young girls to 'the man in the mask' but drew the line at supplying girls under 15-16, he preferred 12 and under. Others found those girls for him.
"She was involved with Ward in trying to get a camera in to take photos of the abuses, but 'the masks' security was too good and the cameras too bulky.
"She knew of one 10 year-old girl who disappeared after being taken to hospital by the police. Just vanished.
"There were rumours of an orphanage in Ireland (Ronna had contacts in the IRA) where men she named for me filmed children being abused by people specially chosen for blackmail - as they were being slowly strangled to death by Anthony Blunt. Snuff-movies."

John Profumo
John Profumo was the UK's Secretary of State for War.
Lord Astor was a man who held sexy parties at Cliveden, his stately home.
Stephen Ward was the osteopath and procurer of girls for top people.
One of Ward's friends was Christine Keeler.
Yevgeny Ivanov was a Russian naval officer and 'spy'.
Christine Keeler met John Profumo at Cliveden in 1961.
Christine had an affair with both Profumo and the Russian spy, Ivanov.
One night, a West Indian called Johnny Edgecombe arrived at Stephen Ward’s house and began shooting at the door.
Eventually, Stephen Ward was arrested and he then died or disappeared in mysterious circumstances.
Chief Inspector Samuel Herbert, who investigated Stephen Ward, died of a heart attack on 16th April 1966 at the age of 48.
In his will he left only £300.
However, after his death his bank account was discovered to contain £30,000.
According to Philip Knightley: "By coincidence, in the tape recordings which Christine Keeler made with her manager, Robin Drury, Keeler says that John Lewis, Ward's bitter enemy, had offered her £30,000 for information leading to Ward's conviction andthe bringing down of the Conservative Government."
Reportedly, Dr Stephen Ward had an MI5 controller, Keith Wagstaffe.
Reportedly, Sir Colin Coote, Editor of the Daily Telegraph and a former officer in MI6, was responsible for introducing Ward to Ivanov 'at the behest of his old service'.
(PROFUMO, John - Spy School Bios.)
Reportedly, J. Edgar Hoover was aware that 'the Ward circle included many extremely well known Americans and girls such as Suzy Chang and Mariella Novotny who had been bedded by President John F. Kennedy.'

Harold Wilson
Who gained from the Profumo Affair?
Harold Wilson became UK Prime Minister.
Anatoli Golitsin, a spy who defected from the KGB, claimed that Hugh Gaitskell was murdered in 1963 so that Harold Wilson, a 'KGB agent', could become leader of the Labour Party.
Was Wilson working for Russia or Israel?
Harold Wilson was President of the Board of Trade from 1947-51. The few people who could get permission from the Board of Trade to import heavily rationed raw materials or finished goods were in a good position to become vastly rich. Among the lucky few who got licenses were Montague Meyer, Joe Kagan and Rudy Sternberg. Kagan and Sternberg later became peers. Meyer gave Wilson a consultancy which took him on frequent trips to Moscow and Eastern Europe.

Former Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson with Sir Jimmy Savile, supplier of boys to the elite.
After the 'mysterious' death of Hugh Gaitskell, Wilson became Labour leader and eventually Prime Minister. Harold Wilson's 'private office' was funded in secret by a wealthy group which included Lord Goodman, Sir Samuel Fisher, and Rudy Sternberg.
In the 1970's, Private Eye began to receive information of a possible link between Wilson and the Israeli secret service and the KGB. In connection with alleged plots, the names of various people were handed to Private Eye.
Labour MP Ian Mikardo had at one time partnered Leslie Paisner in a business that traded with East Germany. Mikardo's pair in the House of Commons was Barnaby Drayson who worked for Rudy Sternberg, as did Wilfred Owen MP who had resigned after being revealed as a spy for Czechoslovakia. Montague Meyer, it turned out, was the man who had bought up much of the timber felled in Tanganyika during Labour's ill-fated groundnut scheme.
Then there was Labour MP Edward Short 'who had been in the habit of receiving bundles of banknotes from T Dan Smith', the city boss of Newcastle and one time partner of Eric Levine.
Kagan was a frequent visitor to Downing Street. He was also on friendly terms with the station chief of the Russian KGB. After being questioneded by the police about tax and currency offences he eventually 'fled' to Israel, where perhaps his real allegiance lay.
Sir Rudy Sternberg was also under investigation by the security services.

UK Conservative leader Edward Heath, Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe, Labour leader Harold Wilson. It has been widely reported that Edward Heath and Jeremy Thorpe used rent boys (boy prostitutes). In the case of Harold Wilson: "the centre of his extra-curricular activity was the local branch of the Boy Scouts."Harold Wilson
What may have stopped Private Eye from finally getting at the truth was the intervention of the Jewish businessman James Goldsmith, a friend of PM Wilson's personal secretary, Marcia Williams. Marcia was also a friend of Kagan. Private Eye had mistakenly claimed that Goldsmith had been present at a lunch given by John Aspinall, on the day after the disappearance of Lord Lucan. Goldsmith began criminal libel proceedings against Private Eye.
Patrick Marnham, in his brilliant book "Trail of Havoc: In the Steps of Lord Lucan", writes that Goldsmith was "effectively silencing the only newspaper which migh t have made headway with the ....allegations."
Goldsmith received a knighthood. Sir Joseph Kagan was later imprisoned.
But the possible links between Labour and Israel's secret service may not have ended with Wilson. Private Eye began to take an interest in Robert Maxwell, the chief fund raiser for Labour. Maxwell received a knighthood, mysteriously disappeared, and 'his body' was buried with great honour in Israel. It was assumed by many that he was a top Israeli spy.
And what of Tony Blair. Private Eye has pointed out that Blair's chief fund raiser is Lord Levy, a man with strong links to Israel. Blair's chief foreign policy adviser was Sir David Manning........

Anthony Blunt
According to T. Stokes:
(Illuminati News: The Mystery of Super Spy - Sir Anthony Blunt):
"Blunt and F. B. I Chief J. Edgar Hoover both subscribed to the theory that the Jewish underground, the 'Sanyanim', supported Russia through World War two.
"Blunts colleague and fellow traitor Kim Philby actually marriedLitzi Friedman, a Jewish underground runner for Soviet Intelligence..."
While undergoing a cataract operation, Blunt "blurted out to the surgeon accusations about the comedy actor Charlie Chaplin being blackmailed into being a top A.I.P (agent in place) for the Jewish underground, under threat of exposure about his tastes in underage girls, his recruitment by Lord Victor Rothschild, of his own involvement with both the Russians, and of Blunt being 'turned on sexually' by the shiny boots, and fur busbies that Guardsmen wore...
"Blunt would insist that the mysterious death in 1941 of the king’s brother, the Duke of Kent, was a murder on Churchill’s orders, as he was trying to make peace. Blunt was unusually angry over this murder.
"It was long rumoured that the unusual resemblance between Blunt and Edward VIII was because they were half brothers."

Christeen Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies
In Israel, female spies are called "Swallows" and males who are trained to compromise women or other men are called "Ravens."
Do the security services run brothels?
Reportedly, in the 1950s and 1960s, MI5 ran a brothel in Church Street in Kensington for the use of visiting dignitaries, diplomats and intelligence officers.Young female or male company could also be supplied directly to a VIP's hotel bedroom...
(PROFUMO, John - Spy School Bios)

Clay Shaw
In Toronto, Michael Eddowes "knocked on the door of an apartment owned by one of Clay Shaw's boyfriends: it was opened by a fellow named Robin Drury. Drury, a homosexual, had been the 'agent'of Christine Keeler during the time of the British sex scandal known as the Profumo Affair."
Clay Shaw's name had been linked to the Kennedy assassination.
Mariella Novotny (aka Stella Capes) was a high-class prostitute 'controlled by Stephen Ward in London'. (Mariella Novotny)
"Mariella was part Jewish; she was actually quiet proud of that and spoke Hebrew." (NightHawk: The Czech Night Hawk)
J F Kennedy slept with Novotny.
Stephen Ward, an osteopath whose patients included Winston Churchill, Duncan Sandys, Ava Gardner, Mary Martin and Mel Ferrer. His friends included Prince Philip. His MI5 controller was said to be Keith Wagstaffe. After the Cuban Missile Crisis Ward told Christine Keeler that he believed John F. Kennedy would be assassinated. He told her and Eugene Ivanov: "A man like John Kennedy will not be allowed to stay in such an important position of power in the world, I assure you of that."
Steven Ward reportedly worked for the British security service MI5.
From 1956-65, MI5 was run by Sir Roger Hollis, who was allegedly a Soviet spy.
Soviet intelligence, at that time, shared intelligence with Israel.
Reportedly, Hollis and Ward were part of a spy ring with Sir Anthony Blunt.
Willy Brandt and Ayub Khan are reported to have attended Novotny's parties. (Mariella Novotny)
At times Novotny operated in the USA where allegedly she was used by Lyndon Johnson to blackmail J F Kennedy. (Mariella Novotny)
Lyndon Johnson Was First to Align U.S. Policy With Israel's Policies
In 1978 Novotny announced that she had started work on her autobiography which would include details of her work for MI5.
(Mariella Novotny)
She claimed that her book would include details of a "plot to discredit Jack Kennedy".
Mariella Novotny was found dead in her bed in February 1983.
According to Stephen Dorrel: "Shortly after her death her house was burgled and all her files and large day-to-day diaries from the early sixties to the seventies were stolen." (Mariella Novotny)
Mandy Rice Davies with the Israeli army. Mandy was one of Ward's girls. She converted to Judaism, married an Israeli businessman, Rafi Shauli, and opened nightclubs and restaurants in Tel Aviv. (Mandy Rice-Davies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Her activities in London and the USA were financed by Peter Rachman (Mandy Rice-Davies), who was allegedly a Mossad spy. (Cached)
The Profumo Affair was the scandal involving Ward's girls and a UK government minister called Jack Profumo.
Mandy Rice-Davies was involved in the 'Profumo Affair' but she escaped prosecution.
Several of the other girls died unexpectedly young over the next few years.
(PROFUMO, John - Spy School Bios)
In her autobiography, Mandy (1980) Mandy Rice-Davies described what happened when she arrived at Novotny's party in Bayswater: "The door was opened by Stephen (Ward) - naked except for his socks...
"All the men were naked, the women naked except for wisps of clothing like suspender belts and stockings.
"I recognised our host and hostess, Mariella Novotny and her husband Horace Dibbins, and unfortunately I recognised too a fair number of other faces as belonging to people so famous you could not fail to recognise them: a Harley Street gynaecologist, several politicians, including a Cabinet minister of the day, now dead, who, Stephen told us with great glee, had served dinner of roast peacock wearing nothing but a mask and a bow tie instead of a fig leaf."
Anthony Blunt
According to Anonymous (Scandalous Women: Christine Keeler and the Profumo Affair): "Ronna Ricardo, who I was close to for several years (she was lesbian but liked a cuddle now and again) told me a few things about ritual masonic abuse of children, involving many top people.
"She was involved in supplying young girls to 'the man in the mask' but drew the line at supplying girls under 15-16, he preferred 12 and under. Others found those girls for him.
"She was involved with Ward in trying to get a camera in to take photos of the abuses, but 'the masks' security was too good and the cameras too bulky.
"She knew of one 10 year-old girl who disappeared after being taken to hospital by the police. Just vanished.
"There were rumours of an orphanage in Ireland (Ronna had contacts in the IRA) where men she named for me filmed children being abused by people specially chosen for blackmail - as they were being slowly strangled to death by Anthony Blunt. Snuff-movies."
John Profumo
John Profumo was the UK's Secretary of State for War.
Lord Astor was a man who held sexy parties at Cliveden, his stately home.
Stephen Ward was the osteopath and procurer of girls for top people.
One of Ward's friends was Christine Keeler.
Yevgeny Ivanov was a Russian naval officer and 'spy'.
Christine Keeler met John Profumo at Cliveden in 1961.
Christine had an affair with both Profumo and the Russian spy, Ivanov.
One night, a West Indian called Johnny Edgecombe arrived at Stephen Ward’s house and began shooting at the door.
Eventually, Stephen Ward was arrested and he then died or disappeared in mysterious circumstances.
Chief Inspector Samuel Herbert, who investigated Stephen Ward, died of a heart attack on 16th April 1966 at the age of 48.
In his will he left only £300.
However, after his death his bank account was discovered to contain £30,000.
According to Philip Knightley: "By coincidence, in the tape recordings which Christine Keeler made with her manager, Robin Drury, Keeler says that John Lewis, Ward's bitter enemy, had offered her £30,000 for information leading to Ward's conviction andthe bringing down of the Conservative Government."
Reportedly, Dr Stephen Ward had an MI5 controller, Keith Wagstaffe.
Reportedly, Sir Colin Coote, Editor of the Daily Telegraph and a former officer in MI6, was responsible for introducing Ward to Ivanov 'at the behest of his old service'.
(PROFUMO, John - Spy School Bios.)
Reportedly, J. Edgar Hoover was aware that 'the Ward circle included many extremely well known Americans and girls such as Suzy Chang and Mariella Novotny who had been bedded by President John F. Kennedy.'
Harold Wilson
Who gained from the Profumo Affair?
Harold Wilson became UK Prime Minister.
Anatoli Golitsin, a spy who defected from the KGB, claimed that Hugh Gaitskell was murdered in 1963 so that Harold Wilson, a 'KGB agent', could become leader of the Labour Party.
Was Wilson working for Russia or Israel?
Harold Wilson was President of the Board of Trade from 1947-51. The few people who could get permission from the Board of Trade to import heavily rationed raw materials or finished goods were in a good position to become vastly rich. Among the lucky few who got licenses were Montague Meyer, Joe Kagan and Rudy Sternberg. Kagan and Sternberg later became peers. Meyer gave Wilson a consultancy which took him on frequent trips to Moscow and Eastern Europe.
Former Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson with Sir Jimmy Savile, supplier of boys to the elite.
After the 'mysterious' death of Hugh Gaitskell, Wilson became Labour leader and eventually Prime Minister. Harold Wilson's 'private office' was funded in secret by a wealthy group which included Lord Goodman, Sir Samuel Fisher, and Rudy Sternberg.
In the 1970's, Private Eye began to receive information of a possible link between Wilson and the Israeli secret service and the KGB. In connection with alleged plots, the names of various people were handed to Private Eye.
Labour MP Ian Mikardo had at one time partnered Leslie Paisner in a business that traded with East Germany. Mikardo's pair in the House of Commons was Barnaby Drayson who worked for Rudy Sternberg, as did Wilfred Owen MP who had resigned after being revealed as a spy for Czechoslovakia. Montague Meyer, it turned out, was the man who had bought up much of the timber felled in Tanganyika during Labour's ill-fated groundnut scheme.
Then there was Labour MP Edward Short 'who had been in the habit of receiving bundles of banknotes from T Dan Smith', the city boss of Newcastle and one time partner of Eric Levine.
Kagan was a frequent visitor to Downing Street. He was also on friendly terms with the station chief of the Russian KGB. After being questioneded by the police about tax and currency offences he eventually 'fled' to Israel, where perhaps his real allegiance lay.
Sir Rudy Sternberg was also under investigation by the security services.
UK Conservative leader Edward Heath, Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe, Labour leader Harold Wilson. It has been widely reported that Edward Heath and Jeremy Thorpe used rent boys (boy prostitutes). In the case of Harold Wilson: "the centre of his extra-curricular activity was the local branch of the Boy Scouts."Harold Wilson
What may have stopped Private Eye from finally getting at the truth was the intervention of the Jewish businessman James Goldsmith, a friend of PM Wilson's personal secretary, Marcia Williams. Marcia was also a friend of Kagan. Private Eye had mistakenly claimed that Goldsmith had been present at a lunch given by John Aspinall, on the day after the disappearance of Lord Lucan. Goldsmith began criminal libel proceedings against Private Eye.
Patrick Marnham, in his brilliant book "Trail of Havoc: In the Steps of Lord Lucan", writes that Goldsmith was "effectively silencing the only newspaper which migh t have made headway with the ....allegations."
Goldsmith received a knighthood. Sir Joseph Kagan was later imprisoned.
But the possible links between Labour and Israel's secret service may not have ended with Wilson. Private Eye began to take an interest in Robert Maxwell, the chief fund raiser for Labour. Maxwell received a knighthood, mysteriously disappeared, and 'his body' was buried with great honour in Israel. It was assumed by many that he was a top Israeli spy.
And what of Tony Blair. Private Eye has pointed out that Blair's chief fund raiser is Lord Levy, a man with strong links to Israel. Blair's chief foreign policy adviser was Sir David Manning........
Anthony Blunt
According to T. Stokes:
(Illuminati News: The Mystery of Super Spy - Sir Anthony Blunt):
"Blunt and F. B. I Chief J. Edgar Hoover both subscribed to the theory that the Jewish underground, the 'Sanyanim', supported Russia through World War two.
"Blunts colleague and fellow traitor Kim Philby actually marriedLitzi Friedman, a Jewish underground runner for Soviet Intelligence..."
While undergoing a cataract operation, Blunt "blurted out to the surgeon accusations about the comedy actor Charlie Chaplin being blackmailed into being a top A.I.P (agent in place) for the Jewish underground, under threat of exposure about his tastes in underage girls, his recruitment by Lord Victor Rothschild, of his own involvement with both the Russians, and of Blunt being 'turned on sexually' by the shiny boots, and fur busbies that Guardsmen wore...
"Blunt would insist that the mysterious death in 1941 of the king’s brother, the Duke of Kent, was a murder on Churchill’s orders, as he was trying to make peace. Blunt was unusually angry over this murder.
"It was long rumoured that the unusual resemblance between Blunt and Edward VIII was because they were half brothers."
Christeen Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies
In Israel, female spies are called "Swallows" and males who are trained to compromise women or other men are called "Ravens."
Do the security services run brothels?
Reportedly, in the 1950s and 1960s, MI5 ran a brothel in Church Street in Kensington for the use of visiting dignitaries, diplomats and intelligence officers.Young female or male company could also be supplied directly to a VIP's hotel bedroom...
(PROFUMO, John - Spy School Bios)
Clay Shaw
In Toronto, Michael Eddowes "knocked on the door of an apartment owned by one of Clay Shaw's boyfriends: it was opened by a fellow named Robin Drury. Drury, a homosexual, had been the 'agent'of Christine Keeler during the time of the British sex scandal known as the Profumo Affair."
Clay Shaw's name had been linked to the Kennedy assassination.