Jonathan Ernst / Reuters
Alan M. Dershowitz, Gatestone Institute: The Trump's Camp Strategy with Regard to Mueller
The Trump team is probably not going to seek to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller. To do so would be to provoke Trump's crucial supporters in Congress. Instead, they seem to be seeking to discredit him and his investigation. This is apparently designed to achieve two possible results: the first is to put pressure on the Special Prosecutor to lean over backwards in order to avoid any accusation of bias against Trump and his team. Mueller cares deeply about his reputation for integrity and will want to emerge from this process with that reputation intact. Accordingly, he may err – consciously or unconsciously – in favor of Trump in close cases so that the public will regard him as unbiased and fair-minded.
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WNU Editor: I have found Alan Dershowitz and Andrew C. McCarthy (from NRO) to be the best when it comes to providing an analysis from a legal point of view on the Mueller investigation and Russia-Gate. Speaking of the Russia investigation, the attention this week was on FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe .... Top FBI official grilled on Comey, Clinton in Hill testimony (CNN). From what has been leaked so far from his testimony (it was done behind closed doors) .... his memory on what former FBI Director Comey told him is perfect and very clear (i.e. Comey told him that President Trump wanted to know if he was loyal), but FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's memory on the Russian dossier appears muddy at best .... Frustrated lawmakers pressed FBI's McCabe for answers on Trump dossier. They got nothing. (Byron York, Washington Examiner).