Walker's tightening Big Government embrace

Already draining $134 million from Wisconsin transportation needs statewide for Foxconn, GOP Gov. and principle-free hypocrite Scott Walker wants a huge gob of a limited pool of federal funds pay for Foxconn-related highway expansion which Wisconsin cannot afford on its own.

Walker loves to turn down federal funds - - whether for Amtrak expansion, wider Medicaid health insurance coverage or broadband infrastructure - -  when it fits his very flexible anti-government narrative.

So look for Walker without any regard for public sector ethics to bolster his search for federal funds during a re-election campaign wrapped in the Foxconn project by serving as a willfully-blind Trump suck-up
Gov. Scott Walker said Friday he didn’t know enough about sexual harassment accusations against President Donald Trump to say whether they were true. 
Just good old-fashioned Republican conviviality.
 “I haven’t seen most of the things that have been reported (about the accusations against Trump),” Walker told reporters after lighting the Christmas tree at the state Capitol.

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