Although the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board at its January 24th meeting turned aside a process and rule change proposal by the Wisconsin DNR that could have opened many state parks to motorized recreational vehicles, the DNR is still proceeding with proposed master plan changes already in the planning stage three recreational areas which seek to add motorized access:
Below is the DNR webpage on the issue. Comments are due by 2/4, and the links are included below:-----------------Property Master Plans Master plan amendments for:
- Upper Wolf River Fishery Area (Langdale County)
- Willow Flowage Scenic Waters Area (Oneida County)
- Turtle-Flambeau Scenic Waters Area (Iron County)

Great Blue Heron, © Bill Pohlmann
Planning update
The Department of Natural Resources has initiated an amendment process to address recreation-related needs at three properties in the Northwoods Region:
Upper Wolf River Fishery Area (Langlade County)
Willow Flowage Scenic Waters Area (Oneida County)
Turtle-Flambeau Scenic Waters Area (Iron County)
The department is not undertaking a review of the entire range of management actions at these properties, but rather is focusing on potentially authorizing specific changes to the existing master plans.
In September 2017, the Natural Resources Board approved the department’s recommendation to evaluate several amendment requests the department has received, including to provide access for motorized recreational vehicles (specifically ATVs and UTVs) across the Upper Wolf River Fishery Area and the Turtle-Flambeau Scenic Waters Area to create linkages in the larger regional trail networks.
The DNR has also received requests to construct a multi-use parking area at the Willow Flowage Scenic Waters Area to serve snowmobilers, ATV/UTV riders and boaters.
The DNR has also received requests to construct a multi-use parking area at the Willow Flowage Scenic Waters Area to serve snowmobilers, ATV/UTV riders and boaters.
These facilities are not currently authorized by the properties’ respective master plans. In order for the trails and parking area (or any other facilities that are not currently authorized in the property master plans) to be constructed, the master plans need to be revised to allow these uses.
This short presentation on the properties and the amendment process provides further information:
The department would like to hear your initial thoughts and perspectives about these properties and the potential amendments. Please provide your input by February 4, 2018.
Property | ||
Upper Wolf River Fishery Area | Online questionnaire [Exit DNR] | Mail-in Questionnaire [PDF] |
Willow Flowage Scenic Waters Area | Online questionnaire [Exit DNR] | Mail-in Questionnaire [PDF] |
Turtle-Flambeau Scenic Waters Area |