Milw. Co. bus lines cut; Foxconn gets free gaudy roads and more

The discriminatory, anti-urban fiscal insanity bred by Foxconn Fever comes into sharper focus:

*  Glitzy, WI-paid Foxconn-related transit ads on Illinois transit, hundreds of millions of WI transportation dollars for Foxconn-related roads, but in Milwaukee County, buses to industrial parks and other routes have been slashed for lack of funds that wouldn't even show up in the $4 billion ticketed for Foxconn:

The Milwaukee County Transit System plans to eliminate three bus routes with low ridership in March and shut down six others by mid-year to meet $882,586 worth of cuts in the system's 2018 budget approved by the County Board.
*  The Walker-boosting, Foxconn-related ad package the Governor wants spend in Illinois and elsewhere could cost state taxpayers $7.8 million - - enough to fund those nine chopped Milwaukee County bus lines - - for nearly nine years.

But transit  - - whether Amtrak, light-rail, streetcar, Kenosha-Racine-Milwaukee commuter train and everyday bus services - - has never been a priority of our highway-happy, pothole-inducing, state trooper-chauffeured Governor and his party. 


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