Shafie, A Stooge of Malayan Parties/Hegemony? – Dr. Jeffrey

KOTA KINABALU - “Shafie is actually still willing to serve and be subservient to Malayan parties and Malayan hegemony and control over Sabah.  As a result, he is fearful of working with Gabungan Sabah (GS) which is truly fighting for Sabah for Sabahans with patriotic Sabahans for Sabah” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, President of Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku, a coalition partner in Gabungan Sabah, in response to Datuk Seri Shafie’s statement that his Parti Warisan Sabah have no intention to work with Gabungan Sabah over the weekend.

GS seeks nothing less than the restoration of the independence with full autonomy and the return of its constitutional revenue rights for Sabah in a true federation, not as the 12th State and colony of Malaya.

Accusations thrown at Gabungan Sabah (GS) leaders to taint them shows that they are politically bankrupt of ideas.  It needs no reminding that all the leaders in Warisan won on tickets of other parties before joining to Warisan.

They have no other excuse against GS, whose agenda is clearly for Sabah and Sabahans not a Malayan agenda or any particular leader.

Warisan has no “perjuangan” on its own other than to replace the government and the Chief Minister, which some refer to as “regime change”.  Copy and pasting ideas from others particularly from GS does not mean sincerity in fighting for Sabah Rights.

Together with Dr. Mahathir while in Umno, Shafie and other Sabah Umno leaders changed the local demography by population re-engineering and overwhelmed Sabah with illegal immigrants to topple PBS.  It is a political, social and security monster created and today, Sabah and Sabahans, are suffering from its effects.

“I remember how Shafie was against Sabah Rights whenever I raise it up.  While in government holding senior positions, he has done little for Sabah Rights and failed to even voice our Sabah’s concerns”.

“Without ever speaking out for Sabah, now he pretends to fight for it because it is what Sabahans want and demand.  What a hypocrite?” said Dr. Jeffrey.

What Shafie is afraid of is his position vis-à-vis the political scenario of Malayan political parties since the loss of his position as Vice-President of Umno.  He is akin to seeking “reinstatement” via “Umno B”, through PBBM headed by Dr. Mahathir with Warisan as its proxy in Sabah.

The struggle of their Umno B group is only to topple Najib and to take control of the federal power and continue with the Malayan hegemony and control of Sabah and to misappropriate Sabah’s oil and gas, revenues and rich resources.

Their group is using Pakatan Harapan (PH) for this purpose and PH is on the other hand using them for their own agenda.  The end-result will still be the same, Sabah will continue to be exploited like a far-flung colony as the 12th State of Malaya.

Shafie is afraid of GS because GS is truly and genuinely fighting for Sabah Rights and full autonomy and do not wish to be controlled by Malayan parties.  To help achieve the objective of toppling the Umno-BN government, GS can and will cooperate with PH as genuine partners at the federal-level as Sabah is an equal partner to Malaya in the formation of Malaysia and not as subservient entities.

The comparison to old Sabah parties being in opposition to the federal government and cannot work is out-dated and no longer applicable.  A GS Sabah government will not be cowed into subservience.  If the respective PKR-led and Dap-led Selangor Penang governments can co-exist with the Umno-BN federal government, there is no reason why GS cannot succeed as the Sabah government.

Sabah will be better off with a GS-led Sabah government not a government subservient to Umno or Umno B.

What Sabah and Sabahans need is a Revolutionary Change for the benefit of Sabah and Sabahans, not a regime change or a mere change of government and certainly not just a change of the Chief Minister as some aspire to be.

Look out for the Revolutionary Change that STAR/Gabungan Sabah envisions for Sabah and Sabahans.

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