We’re sick of feeling unsafe': Melbourne family to FLEE to Brisbane after being targeted by African crime wave in repetitive break-ins and car thefts
A young family is planning to flee their homes and jump ship to the next state over after being repetitively targeted by African crime gangs.
The Beaton family, from Hopper's Crossing in Melbourne's west, have been the victims of multiple home invasions, car break-ins and burglaries in the past year alone.
Sick of the violent crime spate in their neighbourhood, parents Danielle and Eric Beaton have decided to abandon their beloved Melbourne and move the kids to Queensland later this month, The Australian reports.
'We're just tired. Our car has been burgled three times this year and I can't even turn my back on my kids while they're playing on their bikes in the street,' Mrs Beaton said.
The couple made the difficult decision to leave extended family behind in Melbourne in November and both Danielle, a property manager, and her road-worker husband Eric have new jobs lined up in Queensland
Gang members of African appearance began terrorising the Beatons in early 2017, loitering in their front garden and attempting to break into their home.
The family-of-five reached breaking point when they returned home one evening to find their property completely ransacked.
'The kids' rooms had been trashed, drawers taken out of chests and dumped everywhere and stuff smashed for no reason. And just the weirdest stuff was taken,' Mrs Beaton said.
Bizarrely, the thugs only stole petty items such as cigarettes but left behind an expensive iPad and a Samsung phone.
The family then moved to a neighbouring suburb to escape the relentless crime, but soon after their 2004 Ford Territory was broken into three times.
Mrs Beaten and her children felt increasingly unsafe in their own home and couldn't even walk alone at night in fear of being targeted.
She even began driving her teenage kids the short walk to-and-from their part time jobs and school.
'We’re just sick of feeling unsafe... It sounds stupid, but when you've got a 15-year-old daughter and you know a gang is heckling her from the park and threatening her as she walks home, what are you meant to do?' she added.
The spate of African crime has divided public opinion on the severity of the issue.
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton recently made comments about Melbourne people being too afraid to go out for dinner, a claim which was stubbornly refuted by residents.
Most recently, a Melbourne woman was struck across the face and forced to wait in terror as up to 14 men of African appearance ransacked her house during a vicious home invasion.
Police believe the same group also punched and kicked a 16-year-old boy they approached in a vehicle while he walking in Noblebanks Drive at Cairnlea.
African youth violence the outcome of failed diversity policies
Jennifer Oriel
Labor accuses the federal Liberal government of playing politics with African crime in Victoria. But Labor has played politics with ethnicity for decades. The result is a booming industry that trades in a culture of complaint and blame-shifting. The industry is funded by the taxpaying public but breeds hostility towards Australians. Its beneficiaries enjoy access to special funding and affirmative action while claiming to be oppressed. Its leaders cry racism but can rationalise racist violence when the aggressors are black and the victims are white.
It takes a long time for ideologues to concede error. One would have thought a mob of African males invading a home and punching a woman in the face might make multiculturalists repent. Perhaps a mob of African males attacking teens on the street might stir Melbourne’s green-left to unmitigated sympathy — for the victims.
Imagine a white mob shouting “get blacks” before terrorising a black neighbourhood. The establishment would work overtime to arrest the perpetrators and bring them to justice in Victoria’s right-on courts. Public media would be on the case, investigating white supremacy and damning racism. But in fact it was a black mob shouting “get whites” in a working-class suburb, so it’s all quiet on the PC front.
Victorian Supreme Court judge Lex Lasry seemingly made light of concerns about youth gang violence in a tweet: “Breaking: there are citizens out to dinner in Mansfield tonight and they’re not worried.”
The following night at least 10 men of African appearance reportedly invaded a home and terrorised a 59-year-old woman by punching her in the face and threatening to kill her. That’s 10 men ganging up on one woman. But she’s white and they’re black so — whateva.
The same night a black mob allegedly attacked teenagers. In one attack they set upon a boy walking along the street about 9.30pm. They took a baseball bat to the boy’s legs and assaulted him. Justice Lasry, fearlessly dining out in Mansfield, might spare a thought for the terrorised people in working-class suburbs bearing the brunt of malformed multicultural policy.
As part of the federal inquiry into migration settlement outcomes, the Liberal government wished to amend the Migration Act to permit mandatory cancellation of visas for violent offenders aged between 16 and 18. Labor rejected this, justifying the dissent by appeal to the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia, which objects to “any attempts to apply provisions under section 501 to juveniles”.
It also rejected the recommendation that anyone over 18 convicted of violent offences such as assault, sexual offences or the possession of child pornography have their visas cancelled under section 501 of the Migration Act. The Labor Party rejected two further recommendations to strengthen counter-terrorism. In short, if you’re a violent minor, rapist, child pornographer or budding terrorist of immigrant descent, Labor has your back. Not even Dante could conjure up a circle of hell that foul.
We have endured a protracted season of denial about the relationship between particular ethnic groups and criminal activity. However, in its submission to the federal inquiry, Victoria’s Crime Statistics Agency revealed that since 2014 there has been a 28 per cent increase in unique offenders who were born in Sudan. In 2014, the Australian Bureau of Statistics illustrated that people born in Sudan had the highest imprisonment rate, followed by persons born in Samoa.
Rebecca Urban reported in The Weekend Australian that Sudanese youth offend at a rate about four times the national average. Sudanese-born people are not 1 per cent of Victoria’s population, yet youth born there are responsible for 13.9 per cent of aggravated robberies and 7.4 per cent of home invasions.
Rather than stopping gangs punching women, police and children, PC elites are busy discussing terminology. They’re concerned about the term “gang”. Apparently it’s causing the yoof to invade homes, beat up women and children. We are advised to use the term “networked offending”. The PC elites can’t concede their multicultural program is a failed social experiment because it means defunding a big state industry.
Victoria’s Labor government increased funding for multicultural affairs from $46.8 million to $51.1m. The budget for multiculturalism includes $21.8m for language services and $2m for migrant workers’ rights. An additional $19m was allocated to the government’s multicultural policy statement. Funding for Aboriginal policy was increased from $33.5m to $56.2m in the same budget.
In submissions to the migrant settlement outcomes inquiry, groups such as the South Sudanese Community Association in Victoria and the Islamic Council of Victoria requested more funding for programs. The SSCAV expressed concern that “a number of young people of South Sudanese origin have engaged in serious criminal activities”. However, there was little analysis of the cause of the violence in the Sudanese community beyond the trauma of fleeing civil war in Sudan. Instead, negative behaviour was attributed broadly to the Australian media, police, teachers and “racial hostility and discrimination in sections of the Australian community”.
Australians have spent billions on the multicultural industry over decades. With unprecedented debt, stagnating wages, high taxes and soaring basic living costs, we can no longer afford to fund these big state social experiments.
Volunteers told to use gender-neutral words to avoid causing offence
VOLUNTEERS for the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games have been told to use gender-neutral language to avoid causing offence.
The Games Shapers handbook, which has been handed to 15,000 volunteers and official staff and contractors instructs workers to avoid phrases like “ladies and gentlemen” and “boys and girls”.
It also includes instructions to use the term parents instead of mother or father and partners, rather than husbands or girlfriends.
However, the guidelines have been labelled “political correctness gone insane”.
“We can avoid words like guys, girls, ladies and gentlemen, and instead use words like students, everyone, folks and all,” the handbook states, according to the Gold Coast Bulletin.
It also reportedly tells volunteers to refrain from calling para-athletes “extraordinary or superhuman”.
“Some community members oppose the use of ‘able-bodied’ because it implies that people with accessibility requirements lack ‘able bodies’ or the ability to use their bodies well,” the guidebook said.
“(Also) it can be embarrassing for them to be referred to as ‘extraordinary’ or ‘superhuman’…. Para-athletes don’t consider themselves more unique or over achieving than any other athlete.”
The handbook also instructs volunteers to not take selfies with athletes in their uniforms.
Queensland opposition leader Deb Frecklington said the rules were “common sense gone mad” and urged Games organisers to rethink their instructions.
“We might be a bit folksy and we might use a bit of different language but, at the end of the day, let’s just be Queenslanders,” Ms Frecklington said yesterday. “As long as people are being respectful, let Queenslanders be Queenslanders.”
One of the games’ volunteers Liz McCleary, from Southport, also fears political correctness will kill the character of the Commonwealth Games. “It (volunteering) was something I was really looking forward to, but not anymore,” she said.
“This whole political correctness has gone too far. For us not to be able to say things like boys and girls, it’s just stupidity. “No one wants to belittle anybody, but who says this is belittling anyone? “I really feel for the next generation because they are going to be so confused.”
Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation (GOLDOC) chief executive Mark Peters said the handbook guidelines were a response to concerns raised by some of the volunteers about interacting with athletes, officials and guests from different cultures and backgrounds.
He said the guidelines were not compulsory, but a suggestion on how to handle situations. “We’re saying be yourself, that’s why you’ve been selected,” Mr Peters told reporters.
“We’re just trying to give them guidelines without scaring them ... can you get it wrong? Not if you’ve got a smile, a friendly face and you’re genuinely trying to help people.”
Australian workers and businesses say universities failing to deliver useful degrees
MORE than a quarter of university graduates say their degrees are almost useless for their jobs, while a leading employment group says some new graduates are verging on unemployable.
The results come from the largest survey of Australian employers and workers ever conducted which raises questions about the worth of some university degrees.
The Employer Satisfaction Survey, released today, reveals more than 10 per cent of graduates believe their qualification is “not at all” important to their job, while another 15 per cent say their qualification is “not that” important for their job.
Graduates from management and commerce degrees, as well information technology and creative arts degrees, were the most likely to believe their degree wasn’t important for their current work.
The government-funded survey also reveals that employers do not believe the nation’s most prestigious universities are producing the best workers.
None of the Group of Eight universities appeared among the top eight of 41 universities around Australia that were compared for employer satisfaction.
James Cook University received the highest approval rating, at 91 per cent, and University of South Queensland received the lowest rating at 77 per cent.
Overall, the survey found 84 per cent of employers were satisfied with their workers.
“If there was any advice I would give the wave of young people about to enter tertiary studies in the next few weeks, it would be to focus on employability skills and seriously consider developing the science, technology, engineering and maths qualifications new workplaces increasingly require,” he wrote in an opinion piece today.
“There is no doubt that work is changing and jobs along with it.
“Digitalisation means fast-moving workplaces, globally connected systems and rapid change.
“With these daunting developments taking place and the education system failing to keep up, the result for frustrated employers is that they find some new entrants to the labour market to be verging on the unemployable.”
Mr Willox said Australia’s education and training institutions were ramping up their connections with industry to better focus degrees but there was a long way to go.
Universities Australia’s acting chief executive Catriona Jackson rejected the criticism, saying employers had given university graduates “the equivalent of a high distinction”.
“These results tell an overwhelmingly positive story about graduates in the labour market and that universities are preparing their students well for their chosen careers,” she said.
“Employers are seeing, first-hand, the world-class quality of university graduates that we’re producing in Australia.”
The federal government has introduced a two-year freeze to per student funding for bachelor level degrees and has made further funding increases contingent on performance outcomes.
“Australia has excellent universities but they must place student outcomes at the forefront of their considerations to meet the needs of our economy, employers and ultimately boost the employment prospects of graduates,” he said.
“That’s precisely why the changes we announced in MYEFO will link additional funding for bachelor courses to performance outcomes.
“By further incentivising performance in areas such as employer and student satisfaction, completion and retention we should see better outcomes for graduates and better value for taxpayers.”
Steve Shepherd, chief executive of youth career coaching firm TwoPointZero, called for more focus on career education in schools and said targeted performance funding for universities was not the answer.
“It doesn’t actually address the issue, just distracts from it and could lead to higher education being out of reach for many young people today,” Mr Shepherd said.
“What we should be looking at and funding instead is improved career education in schools, as most schools currently spend less than a cup of coffee per student per year on careers advice.
“We need to provide more guidance to parents to help them understand the employment market isn’t the same as when they left school. “And, we need to stop thinking going to university is the be all and end all.”
Mr Shepherd said many young people were picking any degree to simply say they had been to university, without thinking about the impact it would have on their careers.
“We’re essentially suffering from ‘degree inflation’, where the value of a degree is diminishing and rapidly,” he said.
About 97,000 graduates and 4000 employers were surveyed.
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.). For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don't forget your daily roundup of pro-environment but anti-Greenie news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH . Email me here