Joseph Trevithick, Warzone/The Drive: Turkey Launched An Offensive Against Kurds in Northwestern Syria, Here's Why It Matters
With ISIS on the run and so many competing agendas at play, the fighting near the city of Afrin could have broader ramifications.
Turkey says it has effectively kicked off an offensive to destroy Kurdish forces in and around the far northwestern Syrian city of Afrin with an artillery bombardment, after deciding against air strikes in the face of Syrian threats. It is the latest indication that the conflict in the country is evolving rapidly as the threat of ISIS terrorists has steadily dissipated. There is now the potential for a dangerous three-way standoff between the Turks, the United States, and Syria’s dictator Bashar Al Assad and his Russian and Iranian benefactors.
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WNU Editor: A must read .... and yes .... everyone is worried on what may happen next .... Russian, U.S. Top Diplomats And Military Chiefs Discuss Syria As Turkey's Military Attacks Kurdish Positions In Northwestern Syria (January 20, 2018)