WI DNR says Kohler can take wetlands, state park land

Giving away popular state park land? Losing wetlands and a nature preserve 

along Lake Michigan?

From Walker and the DNR, thumbs up.

Readers of this blog know I have been following for years the proposed flattening by a Walker donor of a nature preserve for a high-end golf course adjacent to Kohler Andrae State Park - - a plan also enabled by a Rube Goldberg annexation and headed for more facilitation by the DNR's oversight board next week - - so readers here will not be shocked to learn the DNR, driven by Walker-appointed pro-business managers, says today that the golf course plan meets what's left of Wisconsin environmental standards and law
The DNR issued a final environmental impact statement and its responses to public comments about the project, which would disturb wetlands and require the use of five acres of a popular state park on Lake Michigan. 
The 18-hole course would be built mostly on Kohler Co. land, but the developers are seeking an easement to build a maintenance facility and to run traffic through a portion of the Kohler-Andrae State Park near Sheboygan.
Big win for Walker's 'chamber of commerce mentality' governance.

For everyone else, a further loss of water and property rights. 

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