Anyway, what is existence? Why do we exist? Is there meaning or purpose for the existence of anyone or anything?
Consider a thing. Any... thing. That which was created. Why was it created? As a mere expression of creative energy? To serve a function? Directly? Indirectly? And consider when it has served that function. A thing can continue to exist, as a pointless, functionless relic. Does its existence have meaning? Can we imbue a thing with meaning even when it is otherwise meaningless anyway?
I have written extensively here about currency. Dollars and bitcoin. What is a dollar? What is a bitcoin? They are artificial constructs, into which we pour value by believing them to have value. One is bullshit, and the other is not, yet both are artificial constructs. One has meaning in its existence because we say so. I shall buy my lunch today with dollars not bitcoin because a) I have dollars, not bitcoin, and the merchant wouldn't take bitcoin anyway. Bitcoin is, as I keep writing, bullshit.
Yet it exists, in its artificial way, as a platonic form of excretion-de-toro. (How's that for some seriously meta bullshit?)
Many books exist, never to be read. (Like mine!) How many ads do you get from Amazon that make their targeting look just a little off? Sorry, Jeff, your software fucks up sometimes. I'm not readin' that fuckin' book. On the other hand, currently most excited for: Scalzi's follow-up to Lock In comes out in April!
Anyway, why does the Nunes memo exist? Who shall read it? Or, does it exist for the sake of existing?
Ahhh, mediate on the deepness of that....
Who knew Nunes is hittin' the bong that hard?
Occasionally, it is fun to go way off the deep end into the bullshit, which is what this post did, but you get the point. The contents of the Nunes memo are irrelevant. They are also bullshit. The FBI is not some deep state, left-wing, anti-Trump conspiracy. Any attempt to portray it as such necessarily goes far afield from the facts, but Nunes is a fuckin' idiot, and the congressional GOP right now is batshit crazy, and willing to do anything to defend Trump because if Trump goes down, they've got a 2018/2020 electoral defeat sequence coming for the party. It's as simple as that.
So, as I wrote the other day, Republicans just need to be able to go on tv and say, "the Nunes memo," as a magic incantation, as though by existing, the memo has already proven Trump's batshit fuckin' crazy conspiracy theories. The point of the Nunes memo is not its content, but its existence.
Nunes could have taken a Dr. Seuss book, hidden it inside a manila folder, and written "Nunes memo" on the cover, in crayon, with the "s" backwards, and the GOP would talk about it the same way as they are about to do.
The Nunes memo exists for the sake of existing.
Woah, man, that's deep.
Lay off the bong, Devin.