
On 1 February 2018, 'Darren Osborne' was found guilty of driving a truck which hit pedestrians near a Finsbury Park mosque in 2017.

In court, Darren Osborne claimed that a man named Dave was driving the van when it struck the crowd. 

Witnesses said that there were 3 men in the alleged attack van.

But, only Darren was put on trial.

Osborne's partner, Sarah Andrews, told prosecutors that Osborne had become "brainwashed".


Darren Osborne.

Above we see a young Darren Osborne, with LARGE EARLOBES.

Suspected terrorist accused of Finsbury Park van attack.

Above we see a sketch of 'Darren Osborne' in court and with NO EARLOBES.

Darren Osborne and family.

On 19 June 2017, at 0.15 am, Darren Osborne is alleged to have driven a rented van into a group of pedestrians near the Finsbury Park Mosque, in London.

On 18 June 2017, at 12.27 hours, police were warned that, in Cardiff in Wales, Darren Osborne was lying unconscious on the front seat of a rented van.

South Wales Police have confirmed that they found Osborne in the rented van on 18 June.

They said: 'Officers attended; a male was asleep inside the vehicle, which showed no signs of having been driven recently.

'The officers' assessment was that no offences were disclosed.'

dailymail. / 2017 Finsbury Park attack

Darren Osborne, with large earlobes.

Darren Osborne, accused of carrying out the Finsbury Park attack, had 'mental problems' according to his sister Nicola.

"He asked to be taken into care, to be sectioned," said Nicola.


In 1998, the CIA used its friends in the Indonesian military to topple President Suharto.

In East Java, the security services got hold of mentally handicapped teenagers and, when it got dark, tried to present them to ignorant villagers as being dangerous supernatural creatures who had to be killed.

(Murder in Java: Psychological warfare and the New York Times)

Bloody decapitated heads were then paraded around the streets.

Reportedly, the killings were part of a psychological terror campaign.

Lee Harvie Oswald - CIA mind control.

In the 1990s, Darren Osborne spent time in a very expensive rehab clinic, due to problems with drugs.

Finsbury Park 'terror attack' suspect Darren Osborne.


Four separate witnesses say that THREE men were in the attack van at Finsbury Park

Finsbury Park Cover-up

A witness stated that, just minutes before the attack, police in Finsbury Park had began clearing the streets and cordoning off the location.

False Flag at Finsbury Park.

While Imam Mohammed Mahmoud said that 'Osborne' was quiet, another man said that 'Osborne' had shouted out insults.

Darren Osborne's nephew Ellis Osborne, 26, said his uncle was "not a racist" and had never expressed any racist views.

Finsbury Park terror suspect

The sister of terror suspect Darren Osborne says: 'I've never heard him say anything about Muslims or anything racist'.

Are the ears different?

It looks like there are two Darren Oswalds - the real Darren and his LOOKALIKE or BODY DOUBLE.

The two Darrens.

The Finsbury Mosque attacker "is Darren Osborne, from Cardiff in Wales."

Saleem Naema lives next door to Darren Osborne.

Saleem says of Darren Osborne: "If I ever needed anything he would come. I am a Muslim."

Khadijeh Sherizi, who said she lives next door to Darren Osborne, said: "He has been so normal. He was in his kitchen yesterday afternoon singing with his kids.

"He seemed polite and pleasant to me."

Snub nosed Darren Osborne.

Osborne was born in Singapore in 1969.

He grew up in Weston-super-Mare before moving to Wales with his partner and kids.

The Mirror

Above, we see 'Darren Osborne' with a straight nose.

Above we see Darren Osborne with a snub nose.

The suspect

On 19 June 2017, one man died and 10 people were injured after a man drove a white van into worshippers near Finsbury Park mosque, in London.

A 48-year-old man was arrested.

"The attacker was blowing kisses when he was arrested. He looked indifferent - he knew what he was doing."

The attacker

There have been claims that there were "two others in van."

But, the police say that there are 'no other suspects'.

"The man who died is believed to have been an elderly worshipper who was already receiving first aid from members of the public after collapsing. It is not yet known if his death was caused by the attack, police said."

Rabbi Herschel Gluck, of the Jewish security group Shomrim, rushed to the scene.

Outside Finsbury Park mosque, Abu Hamza, who is said to have worked for the UK security services. Abu Hamza 'secretly worked for MI5' -

The Finsbury Park mosque, in Islington in London, appears to be a major base for MI5 and its friends?

The Finsbury Park mosque has been linked to the 7/7 alleged bombers, the failed 7/21 alleged bombers and Richard Reid and Zacarias Moussaoui.

Judge links July 21 bombers to 7/7.

Who is trying to destabilise Theresa May?

New British minister Michael Gove gets funding from Israel lobby .


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