
Rupert Younger and Frank Partnoy, two staunch believers in capitalism, have written in the Financial Times about Karl Marx.

Rupert Younger and Frank Partnoy point out that Karl Marx was correct about growing inequality.


Rupert Younger and Frank Partnoy point out that, today, economic in­equality is rising.

"By the start of our 21st century, we are faced with the extraordinary fact that the top one per cent of the world’s population own the same resources as the remaining 99 per cent.

"Those at the bottom are less upwardly mobile than in previous generations.


"Entrance to wealthy gated communities is blocked, not only by private security forces, but also by the increasingly prohibitive costs of healthcare, technology and education.

"There is the dominant force of mass incarceration, with millions of poor, minorities and powerless walled off from the rulers they might threaten.

"The Haves have never in history held so much advantage over the Have-Nots."

According to Rupert Younger and Frank Partnoy, the original Marx Manifesto has some good points.



Was Karl Marx Homosexual?

Biographer Robert Payne refers to Marx having had a homosexual relationship with a man while he was attending the University of Bonn between 1835 and 1836.




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