The media has blanked out her face.
Newly-discovered video posted online by a teenage daughter of David and Louise Turpin shows life inside the Turpin's California home.
The Turpins' 17-year-old daughter produced and posted self-made videos to YouTube under an alias.
The videos show her singing songs she wrote.
In another video, the teenager is playing with one of the family's dogs.
The teen's Instagram account shows mostly selfies and also includes some photos of Justin Bieber.
The 17-year-old's most recent clip was posted just seven days before officials say she allegedly broke out of the home in January 2018 and called 911.
Videos offer glimpse inside home where teen was allegedly held ...
In another video, the teenager is playing with one of the family's dogs.
The teen's Instagram account shows mostly selfies and also includes some photos of Justin Bieber.
The 17-year-old's most recent clip was posted just seven days before officials say she allegedly broke out of the home in January 2018 and called 911.
Videos offer glimpse inside home where teen was allegedly held ...
So, the Turpin kids, while they lived with their parents, were allowed to post material on the internet.

The Turpins posing for a photo, at a Texas rodeo.
Why were the Turpins arrested on 14 January 2018?
David Turpin had just got a new post with his employer, defense contractor Northrop Grumman, and the family was set to move from California to Oklahoma 'within days,' law enforcement sources told ABC News.
"There were boxes in the house consistent with moving - concentrated in hallways, entryway and bedrooms," a source told ABC News.
The Turpins had told their neighbours that they were leaving.
Did the authorities want to shut the family up and prevent them from revealing certain secrets?

The children in The Sound of Music.
Is it just a coincidence that the Turpins have connections to places linked to CIA mind control?
Kim Jong-Un is said to have been mind controlled while living in Switzerland.
Some people have linked the Turpin story to 'The Family', a cult run by Anne Hamilton-Byrne.
It is believed that Julian Assange (above) was mind controlled while he was a member of 'The Family'.
"Among those on the receiving end of the cult's services was Lord Casey, former Governor-General of Australia and the minister in charge of overseeing the Australian intelligence service, with which Assange claims to be connected."
(Wiki of the Damned)

In 1983 police visited The Family's Lake Eildon property to search for a missing girl.
The Turpin parents have visited:
(1) Disney, which some people say is linked to CIA mind control
(2) Huntsville, Alabama, where NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center is named by Cathy O' Brien as a CIA mind control base.
WALT DISNEY / Confessions of programmed Mk ultra victim
WALT DISNEY / Confessions of programmed Mk ultra victim
Kim Jong-Un is said to have been mind controlled while living in Switzerland.

The Family is believed to have been protected by the security services and is believed to have been involved in supplying children for child abuse.
"Among those on the receiving end of the cult's services was Lord Casey, former Governor-General of Australia and the minister in charge of overseeing the Australian intelligence service, with which Assange claims to be connected."
(Wiki of the Damned)
"An indication of serious institutional support for the cult concerns the participation in their activities of Ronald Conway.
"One of Australia's most prominent Catholic intellectuals, Conway appears to have engaged in molestation of children placed in his care."
(Wiki of the Damned)
"One of Australia's most prominent Catholic intellectuals, Conway appears to have engaged in molestation of children placed in his care."
(Wiki of the Damned)

The family
In 1983 police visited The Family's Lake Eildon property to search for a missing girl.
She was not found.
In August 1987, the police rescued six children from the sect's property after two had managed to escape and alert police.
ASSANGE - THE FAMILY - MIND CONTROL / The Californian Turpin family cult is just the latest hidden in plain sight ...
In August 1987, the police rescued six children from the sect's property after two had managed to escape and alert police.
ASSANGE - THE FAMILY - MIND CONTROL / The Californian Turpin family cult is just the latest hidden in plain sight ...

Homeschooled Willis Clan.
Are the Turpins like the Willis Clan?
In 2016, Toby Willis was arrested on four child rape charges.

Joshua Turpin with his mother Louise.
He earned A's in many classes, including algebra, guitar, public speaking, English fundamentals and freshman composition
Joe Chermak said that he saw the Turpin family, including the children, at a musical performance at the college in May 2016
Oldest son of 13 captive California children was star college student
Joshua and his sister Jennifer seem to have inherited some of the slimness of their grandmother.

Above we see that the Turpin's former home in Texas got trashed, by persons unknown.
This was presumably after the Turpins had left?
The photo shows an apparent rope tied to a bed frame.

Above we see that the Turpin's former home in Texas got trashed, by persons unknown.
This was presumably after the Turpins had left?
The photo shows an apparent rope tied to a bed frame.
This is not proof that anyone was shackled.

Is this a happy and relaxed family from Riverside in California?

Is this a happy and relaxed family?
Why have the authorities 'kidnapped' these children from their home in Riverside?

Has Riverside Judge Dale R Wells been involved in the abuse of children?
Judge Drops 50 Counts Of Rape Against Former Probation Officer

District Attorney Michael Hestrin, at the local Chabad Jewish Community Center.
Can we trust the Riverside District Attorney Michael Hestrin who claims that the Turpin's toys were kept in Boxes?
(The Turpins were about to move house)
"Hestrin was prosecuted in San Mateo county for 'trying to disavow his own child' after not paying child support."
"Riverside County District Attorney Mike Hestrin’s biggest individual campaign contributor is an auto-body shop executive who’s been twice penalized for defrauding customers by transforming routine oil changes into pricey, unnecessary repairs.
"Darrow's donations helped Hestrin repay a large portion of his post-campaign debt, which included personal loans that the candidate owed to himself."
DA Mike Hestrin took $51K from fraudulent auto shops .

Above - Chabad Jewish Community Center Rabbi Shmuel M. Fuss lights the menorah at the Riverside County Historic Courthouse with Riverside Mayor Rusty Bailey at his side.
Sasson Reuven, a veteran of the Israeli Defense Force and the elite Red Beret paratrooper unit, has spoken at the Chabad Jewish Community Center in Riverside.

David and Louise Turpin.
At the age of ten, Ashley Vinyard befriended Jessica, Josh, and Jennifer Turpin, who lived across the street from her in Rio Vista, Texas from 1999 to 2010
Ashley says: 'We played in the creek that runs by their house, catching frogs and minnows and throwing rocks, normal kid's stuff. Running around just being crazy and having fun.'
'I went into their house on a couple of occasions.
I remember there were animal cages.
They had dogs, cats and goats.
'Even though the house smelled of poop at the time I really didn't think anything about it, since we lived out in the country it was no big deal to have animals in your house.'

Do they look eccentric but happy?

Above, we see the Turpin children wearing 'purple'.

Dylan Hockley family mourners dressed in purple.
Dylan Hockley was one of the Sandy Hook children.

Funeral of Dylan Hockley -December 2012
At Dylan's funeral, many people wore purple, and there were purple balloons.
In the CIA's brainwashing programme, use is made of the colour purple.
'Even though the house smelled of poop at the time I really didn't think anything about it, since we lived out in the country it was no big deal to have animals in your house.'

Do they look eccentric but happy?

Above, we see the Turpin children wearing 'purple'.

Dylan Hockley family mourners dressed in purple.
Dylan Hockley was one of the Sandy Hook children.

Funeral of Dylan Hockley -December 2012
At Dylan's funeral, many people wore purple, and there were purple balloons.
In the CIA's brainwashing programme, use is made of the colour purple.

So, 5 birth certificates found for TURPIN kids. 4 in Texas, 1 in CA, 1988-1997.
Yet, 13 kids.
Yet, 13 kids.
Jeffersonian @Ellsworth_Lies Jan 24
"Escape Video" proves this is just BS!
"Escape Video" proves this is just BS!
1. Kids Run TOWARDS their Parents
2. No signs of Starvation in the 2 teens we can see
2. No signs of Starvation in the 2 teens we can see
14 January 2018.
Are the police and the Turpins working together?
"The Turpin siblings are seen piling into the Turpin family's large silver van."
"The police didn't wait for the social services."
"They used the family's own van to take them away."
There is zero evidence that any of the Turpin children was chained to a bed.

Above, we see Sheriff Stan Sniff with Rabbi Shmuel Fuss from a Chanukah Festival in Riverside - The two have worked closely together.
Are the Turpin's local police force horribly corrupt?

The Turpin's neighbours write notes of support.
The Turpins' neighbours have described their friendly contacts with the Turpins, prior to the police 'kidnapping' the children.
Neighbors and the Turpin siblings.
The neighborhood watch of the Perris community held a Christmas decorating contest.
Some of the Turpin children joined in, placing a Nativity scene in their front yard, with hay for the manger and a Nativity star in a window. Santa Claus sat in his sleigh near the garage.
When the winners were announced at a community gathering, the Turpin parents and five of their children were there.
Louise Turpin spent the evening chatting with a neighbour about her children, about the family's roots in West Virginia and Texas, and about their love of Las Vegas.
When the winners were announced at a community gathering, the Turpin parents and five of their children were there.
Louise Turpin spent the evening chatting with a neighbour about her children, about the family's roots in West Virginia and Texas, and about their love of Las Vegas.
This is according to Salynn Simon, who lives across the street from the Turpins' home.
Louise Turpin introduced Simon to the children who were with her at the event.

Over the years, Simon said, she would wave hello and goodbye to the family from across the road.
From time to time she took them their mail, and last year, when Simon's daughter was selling Girl Scout cookies, Louise Turpin bought eight or nine boxes, Simon said.
Neighbors and the Turpin siblings. / The Los Angeles Times has now censored its story? / Neighbors

The Turpin children were never hidden from the outside world.
Neighbors and the Turpin siblings. / The Los Angeles Times has now censored its story? / Neighbors

David Turpin's foot. The Turpin parents have been shackled by the police, who 'kidnapped' their children. The Turpin children have been banned from contacting their parents.
The Turpin children were never hidden from the outside world.
Joshua took classes at Mt. San Jacinto College.

When a neighbour, Mike Clifford, saw the children in their Murrieta home, marching in circles, the blinds were open, and the lights were on.
Mike Clifford says that Mrs Clifford often made small talk with two of the Turpins' daughters on their way to the mailbox.

The 13 Turpin youngsters 'kidnapped' from their home will not live together again, despite pleading with the authorities to stay as a family.
The six Turpin children have been told that they will be split up into two foster homes.
The seven adults will be sent to an assisted living facility, CBS News reported.

A former classmate of Jennifer Turpin has reported that Jennifer was relentlessly bullied at elementary school for being smelly and was called the 'cootie kid'.
Dr. Taha Muntajibuddin went to Meadowcreek Elementary School in Fort Worth, Texas, with Jennifer, who is now 29.
He revealed that Jennifer was tormented by her classmates.
Dr Muntajibuddin said that despite her treatment 'Jennifer had this whimsical optimism to her that couldn't be dampened, couldn't be doused no matter what anybody threw at her.
He added that this 'cheerful disposition' is what makes him 'certain' she will 'prevail' despite her ordeal.
He added that this 'cheerful disposition' is what makes him 'certain' she will 'prevail' despite her ordeal.

At the time when the Turpin children were 'kidnapped' by the police, David Turpin was working for Northrop Grumman
The Turpins were preparing to move "within days", multiple sources told ABC News.
David Turpin, 57, was getting a job transfer from California to Oklahoma with the defense contractor Northrop Grumann, the sources said, and as a result, the family was preparing to move "within days" of Jan. 14, 2018.
Parents who allegedly held children captive were planning to move 'within days': Sources
According to CorpWatch, "at least seven former officials, consultants, or shareholders of Northrop Grumman" held posts "in the Bush administration ... including Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Vice-Presidential Chief of Staff I. Lewis Libby, Pentagon Comptroller Dov S. Zakheim, and Sean O'Keefe, director of NASA." [85]

Louise Turpin was mind controlled in Las Vegas and in Huntsville Alabama?
According to Teresa Robinette, the younger sister of Louise Turpin, the Turpin parents went off the rails ten years ago ago when they started drinking and gambling.
'At that same time she started gambling, she started taking trips down to Vegas and she got a totally different hairstyle - dramatically different,' said Teresa of Louise.
'She told me that her and David had met a man online from Huntsville, Alabama. And they were on their way there to meet him and that she was going to sleep with him. And that David was okay with that,' Teresa Robinette said.
'At that same time she started gambling, she started taking trips down to Vegas and she got a totally different hairstyle - dramatically different,' said Teresa of Louise.
'She told me that her and David had met a man online from Huntsville, Alabama. And they were on their way there to meet him and that she was going to sleep with him. And that David was okay with that,' Teresa Robinette said.

"Huntsville, Alabama's NASA drug of choice, 'Train-quility,' created a feeling of absolute, peaceful compliance and a sensation of walking on air."
Confessions of programmed Mk ultra victim

Website for this image
Five of the 9 11 hijackers, including Mohammed Atta, visited Las Vegas at least six times between May and August 2001.
Five of the 9 11 hijackers, including Mohammed Atta, visited Las Vegas at least six times between May and August 2001.

David Turpin at Princeton high school.
What happened to David Turpin?
"He was a fine person," James Turpin told the Bluefield Daily Telegraph from his home in Princeton, West Va...
"The last time we were out there ... the kids were fine. They were healthy and nothing was wrong."
"They were just like any ordinary family," said Betty Turpin, the 81-year-old mother of David Turpin.
"And they had such good relationships... These kids - we were amazed. They were ‘sweetie’ this and ‘sweetie’ that to each other."

Pat Robertson, linked to the CIA.
Pat Robertson has been supported by David Turpin's brother Bishop Randy Turpin.
J. Randolph Turpin
Regional Field Representative and Trainer
Americans for Robertson
1987 – 1988
Presidential campaign
J. Randolph Turpin
Bishop Randy Turpin wants to adopt his brother's children.
Turpin House of Horrors: Uncle Says He Wants The Children

Bishop Randy Turpin ( aka J. Randolph Turpin) (left) and his brother David Turpin (right)
Pat Robertson has been linked to the CIA and the diamonds used to finance al Qaeda.
Most of the big-name Christian leaders, such as Pat Robertson, Billy Graham and Gerry Falwell, appear to work for Mossad and the CIA.
CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS / 9 11, Sierra Leone, diamonds and drugs
Bishop Randy has worked in the Congo
J. Randolph Turpin

Jason AllenVerified account @CBS11JasonAllen Jan 17
Last two days we’ve had people tell us they remember hearing about one of the #Turpin girls running for help while in TX.
"Sheriff’s department though doesn’t have any record of it"
The Sandcastle Day School the Turpins operated out of their house was listed on the California Dept. of Education School Directory.

Could David Turpin be linked to the CIA?
"MK children (and some child stars) are programmed with a 'twin' who also externally reinforces programming."
The Sandcastle Day School the Turpins operated out of their house was listed on the California Dept. of Education School Directory.

Could David Turpin be linked to the CIA?
"MK children (and some child stars) are programmed with a 'twin' who also externally reinforces programming."

Above we see some of the Turpins, out and about.

The Turpins look OK?
Are we experiencing a False Flag designed to distract from the problems of Donald Trump?
Has someone been studying the story of Robert 'Papa Pilgrim Hale who isolated his 15 children, ages 2 to 30, in the wilderness of Alaska.

Louise Turpin's sister, Teresa Robinette, went with her family on the Turpin trips to Disneyland.
Using Skype, Teresa Robinette used to speak to the Turpin children.

The Turpin house looks clean.
Louise Turpin and her husband used to go out drinking in various bars.

So the kids were horribly abused, neglected, and isolated from the outside world (except for the regular trips to Vegas, Disneyland, and elsewhere), but they WERE allowed to keep journals, documenting every last detail of their lives. How convenient. #TurpinFamily #TurpinHoax

Mt. San Jacinto College
Were the Turpin kids allowed out of their house, on their own?
Angie Parra remembered seeing the adult son of David and Louise Turpin a number of times while the two were enrolled in the same music course at Mt. San Jacinto College in Menifee Valley.Were the Turpin kids allowed out of their house, on their own?

The Turpins house is large and they have more than one vehicle.
The garden is neat and well tended.
Makes you think of Sandy Hook?
Riverside University Health System Foundation has opened a support fund for the 13 siblings rescued from their Perris home.

It is being asserted that the House of Horrors investigators 'will bring in cadaver dogs to look for the remains of MORE children and order DNA testing on the couple's victims'

The House of Horrors couple David and Louise Turpin wanted a 14th child so that they could have their own reality television show - according to Billy Lambert, Louise Turpin's half brother
'Only last month Louise told me her and David were planning to have another child.
'I asked her why on earth they wanted more children and she said about wanting a reality TV show.'
Lambert said that Louise 'thought the world would be fascinated by their lives.'
He added: 'They thought it would make them millions and household names. They didn’t care about the kids – it was all about them.'
'It is the reason they moved to California to be nearer to Hollywood,' Lambert said of Louise's desire to become a star.

Bishop Randy Turpin ( aka J. Randolph Turpin) (left) and his brother David Turpin (right)
David Turpin's brother is an ordained bishop in the Church of God.
In January 2018, Dr. Randy Turpin took a sabbatical from Valor Christian College, after his brother David Allen Turpin was arrested for keeping his 13 children shackled and malnourished inside their Perris, California home. [4]
Valor Christian College college was founded by televangelist Rod Parsley, founder of World Harvest Church in Columbus.
Christian evangelicals and the CIA.

Less than 12 hours before they were arrested, David Turpin, 57, and Louise Turpin, 49, told friends they were 'getting ready to leave town'.
A source said: "They said they needed to say 'goodbye' because they were getting ready to leave town.
"They didn't say where or when they were going.
The Mirror could find no listing for the family's four-bedroom house, worth around £260,000, for sale on local real estate websites, and there were no 'For Sale' signs visible outside the home.
Revealed: Turpins 'said their goodbyes'
In January 2018, Dr. Randy Turpin took a sabbatical from Valor Christian College, after his brother David Allen Turpin was arrested for keeping his 13 children shackled and malnourished inside their Perris, California home. [4]
Valor Christian College college was founded by televangelist Rod Parsley, founder of World Harvest Church in Columbus.
Many Christian institutions are fronts for CIA mind control and child abuse operations, reportedly.

Did something go wrong with 'a CIA child abuse ring' in Perris?
Less than 12 hours before they were arrested, David Turpin, 57, and Louise Turpin, 49, told friends they were 'getting ready to leave town'.
A source said: "They said they needed to say 'goodbye' because they were getting ready to leave town.
"They didn't say where or when they were going.
The Mirror could find no listing for the family's four-bedroom house, worth around £260,000, for sale on local real estate websites, and there were no 'For Sale' signs visible outside the home.
Revealed: Turpins 'said their goodbyes'

Top right, Louise Turpin, born Louise Robinette.
Above we see Louise's mother Phyllis (left), Louise's father Allen 'Wayne' Robinette, and Louise's sisters Teresa (on father’s lap) and Elizabeth (bottom right).
Elizabeth says that, as a child, she watched her own mother being beaten and raped.
Elizabeth says that she was sexually abused by a family member.
Turpin family – Sister of hell house mum reveals their own abusive childhood and how she watched her mother get raped.
Turpin family – Sister of hell house mum reveals their own abusive childhood and how she watched her mother get raped.

Elizabeth, Louise, mother Phyllis, sister Teresa and father Wayne
Wayne Robinette was an itinerant evangelical Christian preacher who became a county assessor.
Princeton residents recall Turpin.

David and Luoise Turpin.
At the age of 16, Louise Robinette eloped with David Turpin.
They then returned home and later married.
At University, David Turpin was a staunch Christian.
David Turpin got a very well paid job with the defence firm Northrop Grumman.
David Turpin currently faces a charge of lewd acts with a minor.

Louise's younger sister Teresa Robinette and half-brother Billy Lambert
Louise's younger sister Teresa Robinette says that her father, Allen 'Wayne' Robinette, divorced his wife, Phyllis.

The story of the Turpin family makes some people think of psyops, child abuse rings and mind control.

The official story sounds like Fake News.

CIA mind control involves torture?

Elizabeth Jane Robinette Flores; and her brother-in-law David Turpin.
Elizabeth says that, as a child, she watched her own mother being beaten and raped.
Elizabeth says that she was sexually abused by a family member.
Elizabeth says that her brother-in-law David would watch her in the shower when she lived with the family for a short time as a college student.
Turpin family – Sister of hell house mum reveals their own abusive childhood and how she watched her mother get raped. .

Elizabeth Flores.
Elizabeth Flores was born in Princeton, West Virginia.
During her time at Lee University, Elizabeth traveled with Pioneers for Christ and ministered internationally. [1]
Elizabeth says that her brother-in-law David would watch her in the shower when she lived with the family for a short time as a college student.
Turpin family – Sister of hell house mum reveals their own abusive childhood and how she watched her mother get raped. .

Elizabeth Flores.
Elizabeth Flores was born in Princeton, West Virginia.
During her time at Lee University, Elizabeth traveled with Pioneers for Christ and ministered internationally. [1]

Above, we see the Turpin family.

Some people suspect they are linked to CIA mind-control.

David and Louise Turpin, who live near Los Angeles in California. Some people suspect they are linked to CIA mind-control,
On 14 January 2018, 'the police found some of the children shackled to beds'.
The police took action after a 17-year-old girl "escaped" from her home and called 911 to report that her 12 brothers and sisters were being held captive by their parents.
Police officers initially believed the 'slightly emaciated' 17-year-old girl was only 10 years old until she provided her age.
Police officers initially believed the 'slightly emaciated' 17-year-old girl was only 10 years old until she provided her age.
Teen's Escape Leads to Discovery of 13 Malnourished Victims /
Parents arrested after children found shackled and malnourished / Parents arrested

Above, we see the Turpin's home.

"Louise Turpin is from a religious family. Louise’s sister 'traveled with Pioneers for Christ and ministered internationally,' according to a website for her.
Parents arrested after children found shackled and malnourished / Parents arrested

The Turpins live in Perris, in Riverside County, near Los Angeles, in California.

Above, we see the Turpin's home.

Above we see the Turpins and their children.
"James and Betty Turpin, David’s parents, told KABC-TV that their son and daughter-in-law were very religious and believed God wanted them to have so many children."
"James and Betty Turpin, David’s parents, told KABC-TV that their son and daughter-in-law were very religious and believed God wanted them to have so many children."
"It reports that she was raised in West Virginia in a family of six and is an author."
David Turpin & Louise Turpin

Above we see the Turpin children.

Above we see the Turpin children.

The Turpins lived in Texas for many years before coming to California. They declared bankruptcy twice.
Teen's Escape Leads to Discovery of 13 Malnourished Victims /
Parents arrested after children found shackled and malnourished / Parents arrested
David Turpin & Louise Turpin

Above we see the Turpin children.

Above we see the Turpin children.

Above, we see the Turpin parents.

The Turpins at Disneyworld.
David Turpin once worked as an engineer at Northrop Grumman, a global security, aeronautics and defense technology company.
A spokesman for Lockheed Martin said Turpin worked for the company until 2010.

"The parents had renewed their marital vows in Las Vegas three times since 2011, said Kent Ripley, an Elvis impersonator who officiated at each ceremony. They brought their kids along twice."
The Turpin's current home is listed in a state Department of Education directory as the location of the Sandcastle Day School, a private K-12 campus. David Turpin is listed as the principal.
During the last school year, the school was listed in state records as a non-religious and co-ed institution. There were six students enrolled - one each in the fifth, sixth, eighth, ninth, 10th and 12th grades.
David Turpin once worked as an engineer at Northrop Grumman, a global security, aeronautics and defense technology company.
A spokesman for Lockheed Martin said Turpin worked for the company until 2010.

"The parents had renewed their marital vows in Las Vegas three times since 2011, said Kent Ripley, an Elvis impersonator who officiated at each ceremony. They brought their kids along twice."
The Turpin's current home is listed in a state Department of Education directory as the location of the Sandcastle Day School, a private K-12 campus. David Turpin is listed as the principal.
During the last school year, the school was listed in state records as a non-religious and co-ed institution. There were six students enrolled - one each in the fifth, sixth, eighth, ninth, 10th and 12th grades.
The Turpins lived in Texas for many years before coming to California. They declared bankruptcy twice.
Teen's Escape Leads to Discovery of 13 Malnourished Victims /
Parents arrested after children found shackled and malnourished / Parents arrested