Shazar Shafqat, The Hill: 6,000 days into Afghanistan, US needs a lesson from Sun Tzu
On Monday, the war in Afghanistan marked its 6,000th day. Ending violence in Afghanistan appears, at times, to be a forlorn dream, but the recent developments suggest the U.S. policymakers might actually get the job of striking the perfect balance between military strikes with comprehensive intelligence-based operations done.
U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis visited Kabul this week, and stated that certain segments of Taliban want to pursue peace, and, for that, the door for talks needs to be kept “open.” Gen. John Nicholson, the top American commander in Afghanistan also insisted that the peace prospects in Afghanistan should not be ignored.
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WNU Editor: The ebook for Sun Tzu's "The Art Of War" can be downloaded from here. Carl von Clausewitz’s “On War” can be downloaded from here.