Martin Richard
Martin Richard
Martin Richard
Above is a picture of Martin Richard, taken in April 2012 during a classroom lesson on the shooting of Trayvon Martin.
Martin Richard
"Mustafa, thereby, entirely confirmed the account of the events shared by another minor participant of the footage, which was used to justify the Western countries' military action against Damascus."
Another child confirms he was given food for participating in militant's staged chemical weapons attack in Douma
"Mohammed Ayoub was shot dead by an Israeli sniper on 20 April 2018, as the heated protests along the heavily fortified Israeli border with Gaza went into their fourth week. The so-called 'March of Return' protest is being staged as a desperate Palestinian claim to their former homes, appropriated from them by Israel in 1948."
Video proves family's claim that unarmed Palestinian teen was far from border fence when executed by Israeli snipers
Above, we see what is supposed to be Julian Cadman in Barcelona, on 17 August 2017.
Above, we see what is supposed to be Alan Kurdi.
Kylian was caught up in the FALSE FLAG at the GRASSE school.
This is Elliot Rodger, who reportedly shot at Megan Carloto.
No prominant moles?
Prominant moles.
Mathieu, Alexandre and their father Raymond Bissonnette.
The above photo is from the original Facebook page of Alexandre Bissonnette.
Mathieu, Alexandre and their father Raymond Bissonnette.
The above photo is from the original Facebook page of Alexandre Bissonnette.
This is Alexandre Bissonnette's Facebook AFTER it was interfered with.
We saw the Facebook page of Alexandre Bissonnette before it was interfered with.
The 'horror' images above were added AFTER the page was interfered with.
The original Facebook pages showed innocent stuff.
Who has the power to alter the pages of someone's Facebook?
CIA, Mossad or Canadian intelligence services?
We saw the Facebook page of Alexandre Bissonnette before it was interfered with.
The 'horror' images above were added AFTER the page was interfered with.
The original Facebook pages showed innocent stuff.
Who has the power to alter the pages of someone's Facebook?
CIA, Mossad or Canadian intelligence services?