Above, we see 'Yulia Skripal', in May 2018, and 'Yulia Skripal' before she got 'poisoned'.
Yulia Skripal: 'We are so lucky to have survived assassination attempt'

Above, we see Selena Gomez and her look-a-like Sofia Solares

Above, we see Selena Gomez and her look-a-like Sofia Solares

This is Meghan Markle.

Who is this?

Above, we see Samuel Chatto and Todd Carty
Samuel Chatto's father is Daniel Chatto, previously Daniel Sproule, a British artist and former actor.

Michael Jackson?

Above, we see Samuel Chatto and Todd Carty
Samuel Chatto's father is Daniel Chatto, previously Daniel Sproule, a British artist and former actor.

Daniel and Sarah Chatto
Samuel Chatto's mother is Lady Sarah Chatto, born Sarah Armstrong-Jones, the daughter of Princess Margaret.

Todd Carty and Samuel Chatto and Todd Carty.
Todd Carty was born to parents who worked as a nurse and an engineer. He grew up in Kilburn, West Hampstead and Harrow on the Hill, London.
Todd Carty was born to parents who worked as a nurse and an engineer. He grew up in Kilburn, West Hampstead and Harrow on the Hill, London.

Samuel Chatto and Prince Harry.
Michael Jackson?